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Babysitting Log

Babysitting Log

This log is created to document important details of a child's day-to-day activities, routines, notable incidents, and emergency contact information.

Prepared by: [Your Name]
Date: [Date]
Company: [Your Company Name]

Log Overview

Date: [DATE]

Summary of childcare activities and notable incidents.

Child's Name


Emergency Contact Number

Summary of the Day

Emily Johnson

3 years

(555) 123-4567

Emily had fun at daycare today with activities like coloring, block play, and rhymes, shared well, managed a small scrape, ate two healthy meals and napped for an hour.

Liam Thompson

2 years

(555) 987-6543

Today, Liam displayed creativity, ate healthily, napped, and interacted positively with peers. He resolved a small issue, ending a wonderful and insightful day.


  • Ensure all emergency contacts are up to date.

  • Record any important notes or incidents.

  • Regularly update feeding and bedtime routines.

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