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Sales Lead Source Rubric



The Sales Lead Source Rubric is designed to help your sales team assess and prioritize various lead sources effectively. By establishing a clear scoring system, you can determine which lead channels are delivering the most valuable prospects, allowing you to allocate resources more efficiently.

Criteria for Evaluation

Lead Quality (1-5):

1 (Low Quality): Leads generated from this source rarely convert or align with our target audience.

5 (High Quality): Leads from this source consistently convert and closely match our ideal customer profile.

Leads from our content marketing efforts have a quality score of 4, as they often align with our target audience and convert at a respectable rate.

Lead Quantity (1-5):

1 (Very Low): This source provides very few leads, making it less valuable in terms of volume.

5 (Very High): The source consistently delivers a significant number of leads.

Our paid advertising campaign scores a 5 in quantity as it consistently generates a large number of leads.

Cost per Lead (1-5):

1 (Very High Cost): Acquiring leads from this source is expensive and not cost-effective.

5 (Very Low Cost): The source generates leads at minimal cost.

Social media advertising scores a 3 in cost-effectiveness, as while it delivers leads, the cost per lead is somewhat higher.

Lead Conversion Rate (1-5):

1 (Low Conversion): Leads from this source rarely convert into paying customers.

5 (High Conversion): The source consistently yields leads that convert at an impressive rate.

Referral leads score a 5 in conversion rate, as they tend to convert into customers at a higher rate than most other sources.

Lead Response Time (1-5):

1 (Very Slow): Leads from this source often face substantial delays in response.

5 (Very Fast): The source ensures rapid response times to incoming leads.

Inbound website leads score a 4 in response time because while we respond promptly, there's room for improvement.

Scoring and Analysis

Based on the above criteria, calculate the total score for each lead source. For example, if "Lead Quality" scored 4 and "Lead Quantity" scored 3, the total score for that source would be 7. This allows for easy comparison and prioritization of lead sources.

Content Marketing

Lead Quality


Lead Quantity

Cost per Lead

Lead Conversion Rate

Lead Response Time: 

Total Score


Referral Program

Lead Quality


Lead Quantity

Cost per Lead

Lead Conversion Rate

Lead Response Time

Total Score


Social Media Advertising

Lead Quality


Lead Quantity

Cost per Lead

Lead Conversion Rate

Lead Response Time

Total Score


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