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Sales Trade Show Lead Generation Program

Sales Trade Show Lead Generation Program

Event Details:

  • Trade Show Name: Os. Corp Tech Expo 2055

  • Date: November 15-17, 2055

  • Location: Convention Center, City Center

  • Booth Number: Booth #123

  • Event Description: Leading tech expo showcasing the latest innovations in the industry.

Target Audience:

  • Ideal Audience: IT professionals, decision-makers, and tech enthusiasts.

Lead Generation Goals:

  • Number of Leads: 500 quality leads

  • Lead Quality: Decision-makers and professionals interested in our software solutions.

Pre-Event Promotion:

  • Email Campaigns: A series of three pre-event emails highlighting our participation.

  • Social Media Promotion: Daily updates on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

  • Press Releases: Press release published two weeks before the event.

Booth Design and Layout:

  • Branding: Consistent branding with our company colors and logo.

  • Displays: Large interactive screens showcasing our software solutions.

  • Lead Capture Tools: Tablets with customized lead capture forms.

Lead Capture Process:

  • Technology Used: QR code scanners for quick lead capture.

  • Lead Qualification Criteria: Qualified leads should have an interest in our software, decision-making authority, and a specific need for our solutions.

On-Site Engagement:

  • Demonstrations: Live demonstrations of our software every two hours.

  • Presentations: Daily presentations on the main stage about industry trends and our solutions.

  • Interactive Activities: A virtual reality experience showcasing our latest product.

Lead Follow-Up:

  • Timing: Immediate follow-up within 24 hours after the event.

  • Communication Channels: Follow-up via email and phone calls.

Metrics and Measurement:

  • KPIs: Number of captured leads, lead quality, conversion rate, and engagement at booth.


  • Trade Show Participation Costs: $10,000

  • Lead Generation Expenses: $5,000 (marketing materials, lead capture technology, giveaways, and booth design)

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