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Sample Memo for Poor Performance

Memo: Performance Alert


To: [Employee's Name]

From: [Your Name]

Position: [Your Designation]

Department: [Your Department]

Date: [Date]


Subject: Performance Improvement Plan

Hello [Employee's Name],

I am writing to address concerns regarding your recent performance. It has come to our attention that your performance in certain areas has not met the expected standards outlined in your job description. As your supervisor, it is my responsibility to ensure that you have the necessary support and resources to succeed in your role.

Specifically, we have identified the following areas for improvement:

  • Timeliness in completing assigned tasks

  • Accuracy in reports submitted

  • Communication with team members and superiors

To address these concerns and support your professional development, we have developed a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP). The purpose of this plan is to outline clear objectives and expectations for improvement over the next 60 days.

Performance Improvement Plan:

Objective: To improve timeliness, accuracy, and communication skills in the workplace.

Specific Actions:

  1. Implement a time management system to prioritize tasks effectively.

  2. Attend a training course on report writing and accuracy.

  3. Schedule regular check-ins with team members and superiors to enhance communication.


  • Implement a time management system: Within 1 week

  • Attend training course: Within 30 days

  • Schedule regular check-ins: Weekly for the next 60 days


  • Access to time management software

  • Enrollment in the report writing and accuracy training course

  • Regular feedback and support from supervisors

You must take this opportunity to address these performance issues and commit to the actions outlined in the Performance Improvement Plan. Failure to meet the agreed-upon objectives may result in further disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

I am available to discuss this plan in more detail and provide any assistance you may need to succeed. Please schedule a meeting with me at your earliest convenience to review and discuss the Performance Improvement Plan.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.


[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Department Name]

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