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Sample Memo to Instructor


To: Instructor

From: [Your Name]

Date: [Date]

Subject: Addressing a Specific Issue

I hope this message finds you well. To keep things straight to the point, I am writing this memo to discuss an important matter that has been looming over academia recently. The issue pertains to the ongoing changes in the curriculum and how it's impacting the students severely.

Given that the changes are implemented without sufficient notice to us, the students, it has proved to be overwhelming. I humbly request you to bring this issue to the attention of the relevant body overseeing these curriculum changes. I believe that proper communication and timely notices regarding such changes would enable us to adapt and perform better academically. I understand that changes are crucial for progress, but their sudden implementation creates an undue burden.

I am confident that as our instructor, you would understand our concerns and take the necessary steps in addressing the issue. Your cooperation in this matter would be highly appreciated and I am hopeful that you would act as our voice in conveying our concerns to the higher-ups.

Kind Regard's

[Your Name]

[Your Email]

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