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Field Day Log

Field Day Log

This log serves as a comprehensive record of activities conducted during the Field Day on [Date]. It aims to document key information, track events, and provide an organized overview of the day's proceedings.

Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]

Date: [DATE]


Log Overview

This log provides a structured format for recording the essential details of the Field Day, including specific locations, facilitating efficient documentation and post-event analysis.


Activity Description



08:00 AM

Registration and Welcome Briefing

Registration Tent

All Participants

09:00 AM

Team-building Games

Green Field

Teams A, B, C

11:30 AM

Lunch break!

Picnic Area

All Participants

01:00 PM

Outdoor Workshop

Workshop Pavilion

Hands-on learning sessions

03:30 PM

Field Day Challenges

Challenge Course Area

Teams A, B, C

05:30 PM

Closing Ceremony and Acknowledges

Main Stage Area

All Participants


  • Please ensure accurate timekeeping throughout the day.

  • Capture any unexpected incidents or deviations from the planned schedule.

  • Include names or designations of key personnel responsible for each activity.

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