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Late Attendance Memo


Date: [Date]

To: [Employee Name]

From: [Department Name]

Subject: Concerns Regarding Persistent Lateness/Absenteeism

Dear [Employee Name],

We hope this memo finds you well. We are writing to address a concerning pattern of lateness and absenteeism that we have observed in your attendance records. Punctuality and regular attendance are crucial for the smooth functioning of our organization, and we want to ensure that all employees adhere to our company's policies and expectations in this regard.

It has come to our attention that you have been consistently arriving late to work and/or have been absent without prior notification on multiple occasions over the past [duration]. As you know, this not only disrupts the workflow within your team but also impacts the overall productivity and efficiency of the company.

We understand that unforeseen circumstances may arise from time to time, leading to occasional tardiness or absence. However, you must prioritize your commitment to your work responsibilities and make every effort to arrive on time and attend work regularly. Consistent tardiness and absenteeism not only reflect poorly on your work ethic but also create additional workload and inconvenience for your colleagues.

As a valued member of our team, we trust that you recognize the importance of maintaining reliable attendance and fulfilling your duties promptly. Therefore, we urge you to take immediate steps to rectify this issue and ensure that your attendance meets the expectations outlined in our company policies.

To address this matter effectively, we would like to schedule a meeting with you to discuss the reasons behind your lateness or absenteeism and explore possible solutions to prevent recurrence. Please confirm your availability for a meeting at your earliest convenience.

We are committed to supporting you in overcoming any challenges you may be facing and helping you achieve your full potential within our organization. However, continued disregard for attendance policies may result in further disciplinary action, including but not limited to formal warnings or even termination of employment.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. We look forward to meeting with you and working together to ensure that your attendance aligns with our company's expectations.



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