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Sample Memo for Absenteeism


To: All Employees

From: [Your Name]
Date: [Date]

Company: [Your Company Name]

Subject: Attendance and Absenteeism Policy Reminder

Dear Team,

We are writing to remind everyone of [Your Company Name]’s policies regarding attendance and absenteeism.

Regular attendance is an essential part of your job. Your presence is important not only to fulfill your duties but also to contribute to our team's overall productivity. Failure to adhere to our attendance policies could severely affect our operations and burden your colleagues who may have to cover your responsibilities.

Absences should be limited to unavoidable circumstances, such as illness or family emergencies, and must be reported as soon as possible to your supervisor or the HR department. Remember, unreported and frequent absenteeism undermines our team spirit and can disrupt our workflow, potentially affecting our performance and client satisfaction.

We understand that everyone may have an off day or unforeseen circumstances. However, we encourage all staff to strive for perfect attendance and minimize absenteeism as much as possible. Your cooperation in this matter greatly contributes to [Your Company Name]'s success and positive work environment.

Please take a moment to review our Attendance and Absenteeism Policy located on our intranet or reach out to HR if you need a physical copy.

Thank you for your understanding and adherence to these policies. By doing so, we can continue to create a productive and collaborative work environment for all.

Best Regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Company Name]

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