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Sales Collateral Design Rubric

Sales Collateral Design Rubric

Project Information

  • Project Name: [Project Name]

  • Project Date: [Month Day, Year]

  • Client Name: [Your Partner Company Name / Second Party]

  • Project Manager: [Sarah Johnson]

  • Sales Team: [John Smith, Emma Davis]

  • Reviewer: [Michael Anderson]

Project Overview

[Your Company] is launching its latest product, the [Product Name A], a cutting-edge quantum computing solution. The goal of this collateral is to create excitement among potential clients in the technology sector and showcase the revolutionary features of [Product Name A].

Sales Collateral Objectives

  • Generate interest and inquiries from potential clients.

  • Educate the audience about [Product Name A]'s capabilities.

  • Establish [Your Partner Company Name / Second Party] as a leader in quantum computing technology.

Target Audience

  1. Primary Audience: CTOs, IT Directors, and technology enthusiasts.

  2. Secondary Audience: Researchers and academia interested in quantum computing.

Sales Collateral Details

  • Type of Collateral: Brochure and digital presentation.

  • Format: Both print and digital for versatility.

  • Distribution Channels: Company website, email campaigns, industry conferences.

Design Requirements

  • Brand Guidelines: Follow the [Your Partner Company Name / Second Party] brand guidelines for color scheme, typography, and logo usage.

  • Visual Elements: Include high-resolution images of [Your Partner Company Name / Second Party] and [quantum computing labs].

  • Typography: Use the company's approved fonts - [Arial and Helvetica].

Content Requirements

  • Key Messages:

  1. Unlock the Power of Quantum Computing.

  2. [Product Name B]: Your Gateway to Quantum Advantage.

  • Product/Service Information: Detailed specifications of [Product Name B], its applications, and case studies.

  • Unique Selling Points (USPs):

  1. Unprecedented Processing Speed.

  2. Enhanced Data Encryption.

  3. Seamless Integration with Existing Systems.

  • Call to Action: "Schedule a Demo" for interested clients.

Design Elements

  • Layout:

  1. Two-fold brochure design.

  2. Product images on the front page with key messages.

  3. Detailed specifications and USPs on the inner pages.

  • Images/Graphics: High-resolution images of [Product Name B] and quantum labs.

  • Colors: Use [Company] brand colors - Blue (#0073e6) and Gray (#333333).

Review and Approval

  • Internal Review: Marketing and Sales teams to review the draft collateral.

  • Client Review: Client review scheduled for [Month Day, Year].




Design Phase

[Month Day, Year] to [Month Day, Year]

Review Phase

Final Delivery


  • Design Budget: [$10,000]

  • Printing/Distribution Budget: [$5,000] for printing and [$2,000] for distribution.

Sales Templates @