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Sales Performance Rubric for Trainees

Sales Performance Rubric for Trainees

This rubric provides a comprehensive review of a trainees' sales performance including the effective use of sales strategies, achievement of sales targets, interaction with customers, and knowledge of products.






Sales Strategy

Does not effectively use a sales strategy

Shows basic understanding of sales strategy

Demonstrate a good grasp of sales strategy

Effectively uses and shows deep perceptive of sales strategy

Sales Performance

Fails to meet sales targets

Generally meets sales targets, with some occasional exceptions

Consistently meets sales targets

Consistently exceeds sales targets

Customer Interaction

Struggles with effective customer interaction

Competent in customer interaction with room for improvement

Good at interacting with customers; builds strong relationships

Exceptional at building relationships with customers; has several repeat customers

Product Knowledge

Does not have adequate knowledge about products

Has adequate knowledge about products

Has good knowledge about the products and can answer most customer queries

Has deep knowledge about products; is considered a go-to for customer queries

Prepared By: [Your Name], [Your Job Title]

Date: [Month, Day, Year]

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