Sales Onboarding Tools Resolution

Sales Onboarding Tools Resolution

Resolution No.: 1241672

Date: [Month Day, Year]

The Board of Directors of [Your Company Name] acknowledges the importance of a streamlined and effective onboarding process for new sales hires. Effective onboarding can lead to higher employee engagement, better productivity, and faster time-to-revenue. To this end, the Board resolves to implement Sales Onboarding Tools that will improve the orientation and training of sales staff.


Background and Need for Sales Onboarding Tools

Traditional methods of onboarding sales staff have been labor-intensive and have lacked standardization. With the increasing complexity of our sales ecosystem and the need for rapid onboarding, there is a dire need for specialized Sales Onboarding Tools.

Selection of Sales Onboarding Tools

The Board will assign a committee to investigate and select the most suitable Sales Onboarding Tools available in the market. This committee will consider factors such as ease of use, scalability, and integration capabilities with existing systems.



Ease of Use






Budget and Timeline

The Board allocates a budget of $50,000 for the procurement and implementation of Sales Onboarding Tools. The implementation should be completed by the end of 2050 Q4.


Budget Allocated

Research and Selection




Implementation and Training


Key Performance Indicators

Post-implementation, the effectiveness of the Sales Onboarding Tools will be measured based on KPIs such as reduction in Time to First Sale, increase in New Hire Engagement, and reduction in Onboarding Costs.


Target (Q1 2051)

Time to First Sale

30 Days

New Hire Engagement


Onboarding Cost


Conclusion and Next Steps

The implementation of Sales Onboarding Tools is aimed at enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of sales staff onboarding at [Your Company Name]. The Board directs the committee to proceed with the investigation, selection, and implementation as per the parameters outlined in this resolution.

This Resolution on the Implementation of Sales Onboarding Tools at [Your Company Name] is hereby approved and adopted by the undersigned members of the Board of Directors. By signing below, the Board members affirm their commitment to the directives outlined in this resolution and authorize the committee to proceed with the investigation, selection, and implementation as specified.


[Your Name]

Chair of the Board






Board Secretary


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