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Sales Product Rubric for Newbies


This rubric is designed to evaluate the sales performance of new hires at [Your Company Name]. It provides specific criteria to assess proficiency levels in key areas vital for success in product sales.



(1-2 Points)


(3-4 Points)

Sales Quota Achievement

Achieves less than 60% sales quota

Achieves 60-75% sales quota

Customer Engagement

Rarely engages with customers and provides little to no assistance

Sometimes engages with customers and provides minimal assistance

Understanding of Product

Lacks basic understanding of the product being sold

Has rudimentary understanding of the product but requires frequent assistance

Time Management

Frequently misses deadlines and is disorganized

Sometimes meets deadlines but requires reminders



(5-6 Points)


(7-8 Points)

Sales Quota Achievement

Achieves 76-100% sales quota

Exceeds sales quota by more than 100%

Customer Engagement

Frequently engages with customers and provides useful assistance

Always engages with customers and provides exceptional assistance

Understanding of Product

Understands the product well and rarely needs assistance

Demonstrates comprehensive understanding and expertise in the product

Time Management

Consistently meets deadlines without reminders

Always meets deadlines and has excellent organizational skills

Scoring Guidelines

  • 28-32 Points: Exceptional Performance

  • 20-27 Points: Proficient Performance

  • 12-19 Points: Developing Performance

  • 8-11 Points: Unsatisfactory Performance

Employees should discuss their evaluations with their supervisors for a comprehensive understanding of their performance. Development plans should be implemented for scores that fall under the "Developing" or "Unsatisfactory" categories. By employing this rubric, [Your Company Name] aims to establish a performance standard that aligns with the organization's goals and fosters continual professional growth.

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