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Sales SLA for Onboarding Support

Sales SLA Onboarding Support Agreement

This Sales Service Level Agreement (SLA) outlines the terms and expectations for onboarding support provided by [Your Company Name] ("Company"), and [Client Name] ("Client"). This SLA aims to establish a clear understanding of the scope, responsibilities, and performance standards for onboarding support during the sales process.

1. Scope of Onboarding Support

1.1. Initial Consultation: The Company will provide a complimentary initial consultation to understand the Client's specific needs, objectives, and technical requirements.

1.2. Solution Proposal: Within [specified timeframe, e.g., 5 business days] after the initial consultation, the Company will deliver a customized solution proposal detailing the recommended IT products, services, and pricing.

1.3. Clarification and Customization: The Client may request clarification or customization of the proposal within [specified timeframe, e.g., 3 business days], and the Company will promptly address these requests.

1.4. Documentation and Training: Upon acceptance of the proposal, the Company will provide relevant documentation and training resources to assist the Client in understanding and implementing the proposed solution.

2. Responsibilities

2.1. Client Responsibilities: The Client agrees to provide accurate information, timely feedback, and any necessary access to their existing IT infrastructure for the successful onboarding process.

2.2. Company Responsibilities: The Company commits to providing accurate information, expert guidance, and delivering the proposed solution as outlined in the accepted proposal.

3. Performance Standards

3.1. Response Time: The Company will acknowledge and respond to client inquiries, questions, or requests related to onboarding support within [specified timeframe, e.g., 4 business hours] during regular business hours.

3.2. Solution Delivery: The Company will deliver the proposed IT solution within the agreed-upon timeframe, as specified in the proposal.

3.3. Training and Documentation: The Company will provide comprehensive training and documentation to ensure the Client's team can effectively use and manage the newly implemented IT solution.

5. Escalation Procedure

In the event of any issues or disputes related to onboarding support, both parties agree to follow the following escalation procedure:

4.1. Level 1: The Client shall contact their designated Company Account Manager.

4.2. Level 2: If the issue remains unresolved, the Client can escalate the matter to the Company's Customer Support Manager.

4.3. Level 3: If resolution is still not achieved, the issue will be escalated to the Company's Senior Management for review and resolution.

5. Service Review and Reporting

5.1. Regular Review: The Company and the Client will conduct regular reviews to evaluate the effectiveness of the onboarding support and make necessary adjustments.

5.2. Reporting: The Company will provide monthly reports to the Client, detailing the status of onboarding projects, progress, and any issues encountered.

6. Termination

Either party may terminate this SLA with written notice if the other party breaches its obligations, subject to the terms and conditions specified in the proposal and relevant contracts.

7. Confidentiality

Both parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of all information exchanged during the onboarding support process.

8. Miscellaneous

This SLA is binding upon acceptance by both parties and may be revised or amended in writing by mutual agreement.

9. Signatures

By signing below, both parties acknowledge and accept the terms and conditions outlined in this Sales Service Level Agreement for Onboarding Support.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement in duplicate originals by their duly authorized representatives.

[Your Company Name]

[Your Signature]

[Your Name]

[Your Company Name]


[Client Name]

[Client Signature]

[Client Name]

[Client Company Name]


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