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Sales Collateral Metrics Statement

Sales Collateral Metrics Statement


As a measure of our sales collateral performance, this statement presents an analysis of key metrics used in assessing the value and impact of our various sales support material. The given metrics reflect the effectiveness of our sales collateral in aiding our sales force and influencing customer purchasing decisions.

Metrics Overview

Our approach towards assessing the performance of sales collateral involves both qualitative and quantitative metrics. The metrics cover considerations like utilization rates, engagement level, impact on sales, and customer feedback.

Usage Metrics Example:

Sales Collateral Piece

Number of Downloads/


Number of Shares

Most Accessed Collateral

Product Brochure



Product Brochure

Collateral Utilization Rates

This metric evaluates the frequency of use of our sales collateral by our sales team. It helps determine which materials are most valuable to our team and are actively being used in sales processes.

Customer Engagement Levels

This metric assesses how successful our sales collateral is in capturing and maintaining customer interest. It takes into account how often customers interact with our materials and their level of engagement, determined by metrics such as time spent on page or material.

Engagement Metrics Example:

Sales Collateral Piece

Average Time Spent (s)

Click-Through Rate


Social Media Engagement

Product Brochure



50 shares, 200 likes

Impact on Sales

By comparing sales performance before and after the introduction of specific pieces of collateral, we can evaluate their direct impact on sale conversions. This metric is pivotal in identifying which materials are most effective in driving sales.

Customer Feedback

Feedback from customers provides important insight into the usefulness and effectiveness of our sales materials. It aids in improving our existing collateral and guiding the development of future material.


Through regularly reviewing and analyzing these metrics, we can continually optimize our sales collateral strategy to better assist our sales team and to provide more value to our customers. This ongoing commitment ensures our sales collateral remains an influential tool in our overall sales strategy.

Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]

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