Free Sales Closing Skills Rubric for Sales Team Template



Free Sales Closing Skills Rubric for Sales Team Template

Sales Closing Skills Rubric for
Sales Team

The Sales Closing Skills Rubric is designed to objectively measure the ability of our sales team members to close deals effectively. By using this rubric, we aim to identify areas of strength and areas for improvement in our sales processes.

Rubric Scale

The rubric uses a point scale from 1 to 5, with the following meanings:

  • 1: Poor: Does not meet expectations.

  • 2: Satisfactory: Meets minimum expectations.

  • 3: Good: Meets most expectations and occasionally exceeds them.

  • 4: Very Good: Consistently meets and often exceeds expectations.

  • 5: Excellent: Far exceeds expectations in all areas.

Sales Closing Skills Rubric

Customer Engagement:

Poor (1)

Fails to build rapport or establish trust.

Satisfactory (2)

Builds minimal rapport.

Good (3)

Builds rapport and establishes trust occasionally.

Very Good (4)

Consistently builds rapport.

Excellent (5)

Skillfully builds and maintains rapport throughout the sales process.

Product Knowledge:

Poor (1)

Unable to explain features or benefits.

Satisfactory (2)

Explains basic features.

Good (3)

Explains both features and benefits adequately.

Very Good (4)

Explains features and benefits tailored to customer needs.

Excellent (5)

Expertly explains features and benefits, leveraging them to close.

Closing Techniques:

Poor (1)

Never uses soft closing techniques.

Satisfactory (2)

Uses soft closing but lacks follow-up.

Good (3)

Uses soft closing effectively, with some follow-up.

Very Good (4)

Consistently uses soft closing techniques effectively.

Excellent (5)

Expertly uses soft closing, seamlessly leading to the final close.

Post-Sale Follow-Up:

Poor (1)

Neglects post-sale follow-up.

Satisfactory (2)

Conducts minimal follow-up.

Good (3)

Maintains good post-sale relationships.

Very Good (4)

Very effective in maintaining post-sale relationships.

Excellent (5)

Excels in post-sale relationship management, leading to repeat business

Usage Guidelines

  • Sales managers should utilize this rubric during quarterly reviews.

  • Sales team members can also use this rubric for self-assessment.

  • Keep track of scores over time to measure improvements or areas that need focus.

For any inquiries, please contact us at [Your Company Email] or visit [Your Company Website].

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