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Sales Resolution to Update Commission Payment Methods

Sales Resolution to Update
Commission Payment Methods


In the interest of maintaining transparency, fostering motivation, and ensuring the continued success of our sales team, we find it imperative to reassess and update our commission payment methods. This resolution outlines the proposed changes designed to enhance the efficacy and fairness of our commission payment structure.

WHEREAS, our organization recognizes the paramount importance of our sales team and their direct contribution to our success through their dedication and hard work.

WHEREAS, the existing commission payment method has served its purpose but now requires revision to align with current sales goals, market conditions, and the well-being of our sales team.

WHEREAS, feedback from our sales team suggests that a more flexible and transparent commission payment method would significantly increase motivation and job satisfaction.

WHEREAS, it has been observed that advancements in payment processing technology can allow us to implement more efficient and timely commission payments.

WHEREAS, the organization acknowledges the necessity of adapting to changing environments to uphold a competitive edge and ensure the prosperity of both our team members and the organization as a whole.


EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY, the organization will transition to a bi-monthly commission payment schedule, ensuring that our sales team receives their earned commissions in a more timely and consistent manner, reflecting their sales achievements closer to the time of transaction.

WE WILL ADOPT a digital payment platform that will streamline the commission payment process, allowing for greater transparency and accessibility for all team members. This platform will enable sales representatives to track their sales performance and estimated commissions in real-time.

THE ORGANIZATION COMMITS to providing comprehensive training for all sales team members on the new payment platform and procedures to ensure a seamless transition and to maximize the utility of the new system.

TO FURTHER ALIGN with our goal of promoting exemplary sales achievements, an additional bonus incentive will be introduced for top performers, which will be evaluated and awarded on a quarterly basis.

WE WILL ESTABLISH a review committee responsible for the periodic evaluation of the commission payment process. This committee will gather feedback from the sales team and make adjustments as necessary to ensure the commission structure remains competitive, fair, and motivating.

THIS RESOLUTION WILL be subject to review one year after its implementation to assess its impact on sales performance, team morale, and overall business growth. Adjustments will be made based on the findings to continuously improve our sales incentive program.

By adopting this resolution, we reaffirm our commitment to the success and well-being of our sales team. We believe these changes will not only enhance the satisfaction and motivation of our team members but will also drive our organization to new heights of achievement and excellence.








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