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Employee Wellness Program Compliance Document

Employee Wellness Program Compliance Document

This document outlines the compliance requirements and guidelines for all participants in our wellness program. The goal is to promote a healthy work environment and enhance the well-being of our employees.

Program Eligibility and Enrollment

  • Eligibility: All full-time employees are eligible to participate in the wellness program.

  • Enrollment Period: [MM-DD-YYYY] to [MM-DD-YYYY]

  • How to Enroll: Employees can enroll by completing the Wellness Program Enrollment Form and submitting it to the HR department.

Wellness Program Activities

The following table outlines the wellness activities available to employees:




Points Earned

Health Screening

Annual check-up with a health provider


20 Points

Fitness Classes

Group exercise sessions


5 Points

Nutrition Workshop

Seminar on healthy eating habits


10 Points

Compliance Requirements

  • Minimum Participation: Employees must accumulate at least 50 wellness points in a calendar year to meet the compliance requirement.

  • Reporting: Employees must report their activities using the Wellness Activity Log 

  • Verification: Some activities may require proof or verification, such as a doctor's note for health screenings.

Rewards and Recognition

Employees who meet the minimum compliance requirements will receive the following rewards:

  • A certificate of achievement.

  • An entry into the annual wellness raffle.

  • Special recognition in the company newsletter.

Program Evaluation

  • Dates: The wellness program will be evaluated annually. Next evaluation date: [MM-DD-YYYY].

  • Feedback: Employees are encouraged to provide feedback about the program through the Wellness Program Feedback Form.

Privacy and Confidentiality

[Your Company Name] is committed to maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of all personal health information. Employee participation in wellness activities will not be disclosed without their consent.

Contact Information

For more information or questions about the wellness program, please contact:

Wellness Program Coordinator: [Second Party Name]

Email: [ Second Party Email]

Phone: [Second Party Phone Number]

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