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Cleaning Services Customer Log

Cleaning Services Customer Log

I. Client Information

This section collects essential client details for effective communication and service provision. Ensure accuracy to maintain clear communication channels and meet client needs promptly.

Client Name:


Phone Number:

Email Address:

Preferred Contact Method:

II. Service Details

Here, specify the type, frequency, and specific tasks requested by the client. Clear communication ensures services align with expectations, enhancing client satisfaction and retention.

Service Type:

  • Regular Cleaning

  • Deep Cleaning

  • Specialized Service


  • Weekly

  • Bi-Weekly

  • Monthly

  • One-Time

Preferred Cleaning Day(s):

  • Monday

  • Tuesday

  • Wednesday

  • Thursday

  • Friday

  • Saturday

  • Sunday

Start Date:

Specific Tasks Requested:

III. Scheduling Information

Record scheduled dates, times, and any special instructions or changes. Organize appointments efficiently to manage workload effectively and accommodate client preferences with ease.

Scheduled Cleaning Dates:

Time of Appointment:

Special Instructions/Requests:


IV. Billing and Payment

Detail pricing, payment methods, invoices, and payment records. Accurate billing and timely payments streamline financial transactions, fostering trust and professionalism in client relationships.

Pricing Structure:

  • Hourly Rate

  • Flat Rate

  • Custom Quote

Payment Method:

  • Cash

  • Credit Card

  • Online Payment

Invoices Issued:

Payments Received:

Outstanding Balance:

V. Notes and Communication

Document client preferences, feedback, communications, and any issues. Comprehensive notes facilitate personalized service delivery, effective problem-solving, and ongoing improvement in customer satisfaction.

Client Preferences/Feedback:



Follow-Up Actions:

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