Free Real Estate Closing Power of Attorney Template



Free Real Estate Closing Power of Attorney Template

Real State Closing Power of Attorney

I, [Your Name], residing at [Your Company Address], hereby appoint [Agent's Full Name] residing at [Agent's Address], as my attorney-in-fact to act on my behalf in all matters related to the closing of real estate property located at [Property Address] (the "Property")

Effective Date

This Power of Attorney shall become effective immediately upon signing and shall remain in effect until the completion of the real estate closing for the Property unless revoked by me in writing.

Authority Granted

In exercising the powers granted under this Power of Attorney, my agent shall have the authority to:

  • Execute any documents necessary for the sale, purchase, or transfer of the Property, including but not limited to deeds, contracts, affidavits, disclosures, and closing statements.

  • Endorse and deliver checks, drafts, or other negotiable instruments related to the closing of the Property.

  • Receive and review all closing documents, including title insurance policies, surveys, and settlement statements, and take any actions necessary to complete the closing process.

  • Negotiate with the buyer, seller, lenders, title company, and any other parties involved in the closing process on my behalf.

  • Attend the closing meeting and sign all necessary documents as my attorney-in-fact.

Agent's Obligations

My agent shall act in my best interests and by my instructions to the extent known. They shall exercise their powers diligently and prudently, following all applicable laws and regulations governing real estate transactions.


This Power of Attorney is limited to matters related to the closing of the Property described above and does not authorize my agent to make decisions regarding any other real estate transactions or legal matters without my explicit authorization.


I reserve the right to revoke this Power of Attorney at any time by providing written notice to my agent. A revocation shall be effective upon delivery of the written notice to my agent and any relevant third parties involved in the real estate closing process.

In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this [Date].

[Your Name] [Principal]

[Agent's Full Name]

Witness Acknowledgement

I, [Witness's Name], affirm that I witnessed the signing of this Real Estate Closing Power of Attorney by the Principal and Agent, who appeared to be of sound mind and voluntarily executed the same in my presence on [Date].

[Witness's Full Name]

Notary Acknowledgement

On this [Date], before me, a Notary Public in and for the State and County aforesaid, personally appeared [Your Name] and [Agent's Name], known to me to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they executed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed.

[Notary Public's Name]

My Commission Expires:           

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