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Tenant Improvement Scope of Work

Tenant Improvement Scope of Work

1. Project Overview:

  • The Tenant Improvement (TI) project aims to renovate and improve [PROPERTY ADDRESS] to meet the needs and specifications of the tenant.


  • The project will adhere to agreed-upon timelines, budget constraints, and quality standards to ensure a successful renovation process.

2. Project Timeline:


Start Date

Completion Date

Pre-Construction Meetings



Design & Planning Phase



Obtain Permits



Construction Phase



Final Inspection



Handover to Tenant



3. Budget Constraints:

  • The total budget for the Tenant Improvement project is [SPECIFY BUDGET].

  • Any changes or additions to the scope of work that may impact the budget require prior approval from both parties.

4. Quality Standards:

  • All renovations and improvements will meet local building codes and regulations.

  • Materials used will be of high quality and suitable for their intended purpose.

  • Workmanship will be of professional quality, ensuring durability and longevity of the improvements.

  • Regular inspections will be conducted to maintain quality standards throughout the project.

5. Scope of Work:

5.1 Pre-Construction Phase:

  • Conduct initial site assessment and documentation.

  • Coordinate with tenant to understand specific requirements and preferences.

  • Obtain necessary permits and approvals.

5.2 Design & Planning Phase:

  • Develop detailed renovation plans and specifications.

  • Present design options to tenant for approval.

  • Finalize materials selection and procurement.

5.3 Construction Phase:

  • Demolition of existing structures (if applicable).

  • Installation of new fixtures, fittings, and finishes according to approved plans.

  • Plumbing, electrical, and HVAC work as required.

  • Regular progress updates provided to tenant.

5.4 Finalization Phase:

  • Conduct final inspections to ensure compliance with regulations and quality standards.

  • Address any punch list items promptly.

  • Obtain sign-off from tenant upon satisfactory completion.

6. Responsibilities:

6.1 Landlord Responsibilities:

  • Provide access to the property for inspections and construction work.

  • Ensure utilities are available and operational during the renovation process.

  • Cover costs associated with the Tenant Improvement project, as per agreed budget.

6.2 Tenant Responsibilities:

  • Cooperate with landlord and contractors throughout the renovation process.

  • Communicate any changes or concerns regarding the scope of work promptly.

  • Adhere to agreed-upon timelines and procedures.

7. Communication:

  • Regular communication between landlord, tenant, and contractors is essential for the successful completion of the Tenant Improvement project.

  • Designated points of contact should be established for efficient communication and resolution of any issues that may arise.

8. Terms & Conditions:

  • This Tenant Improvement Scope of Work document forms part of the lease agreement between the landlord and tenant.

  • Any amendments or deviations from the scope of work require written approval from both parties.

  • Both parties agree to act in good faith and cooperate to ensure the timely and successful completion of the Tenant Improvement project.

9. Signatures:

Landlord: _______________________

Date: ______________

Tenant: _________________________

Date: ______________

This Tenant Improvement Scope of Work document is hereby accepted by both parties as an integral part of the lease agreement for [PROPERTY ADDRESS].

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