Resident Dj Contract

Resident DJ Contract

The following contract, referred to as "Contract", specifically concerning a Resident DJ engagement, is formally agreed upon and entered into on the specified date of [Date]. The said agreement is between the party of the first part, identified as [Venue/Establishment Name] ("Venue") whose business location is Glendale Avenue North Hollywood, CA 91601, and the party of the second part, known as [DJ Name] ("Resident DJ"), who operates at Stratford Park Patoka, IN 47666. This contract signifies their mutual agreement to the terms and conditions laid out within this document.

1. Term of Agreement

  • This Contract shall initiate its term or become effective starting from the specified [Commencement Date] and it is expected to go on uninterrupted for the stipulated duration of [Duration of Contract].

  • However, it bears noting that there is a provision within the stipulations and conditions stated in this Contract that allows for the possibility that it could be terminated prematurely or before the anticipated end date.

2. Services Provided

  • Throughout this Contract, the Resident DJ hereby confirms their agreement to provide DJ services at the specified Venue. These services will be provided on the days and times that have been mutually agreed upon, delineated here as the [Days and Hours of Performance].

  • Moreover, the Resident DJ pledges to execute the duties that come along with this role in a manner that is both in alignment with the standards established by the industry and conducted with a high degree of professional conduct.

3. Compensation

  • The Venue agrees to compensate the Resident DJ with the agreed amount delineated as [Payment Amount] for each time they perform under the terms and stipulations of this Contract.

  • It is agreed that the compensatory payments would be made promptly on a [weekly, monthly, per performance] basis.

  • Moreover, it is incumbent upon the Venue to process these payments within a strict deadline of [Payment Deadline] days following the performance. Failure to comply might lead to a breach of this Contract.

4. Exclusivity

  • During the period that this Contract is in effect, it is agreed upon by the Resident Disc Jockey that they will provide their services exclusively at the stipulated Venue.

  • They shall not offer, render, or perform any Disc Jockey services at any other locations, places of entertainment, or establishments of any kind without first obtaining explicit written consent and approval from the aforementioned Venue.

5. Equipment and Setup

  • The individual who has the position of Resident DJ is obliged to provide all equipment deemed necessary for successful and professional performances.

  • This includes but is not limited to, elements such as a top-tier sound system for audio output, an appropriate level of lighting for creating an appropriate atmosphere, and any technical tools or resources that may be deemed necessary for smooth performance.

  • It is also important to note that the Resident DJ has the responsibility to ensure that all aforementioned equipment is not only in a good, usable state but is also well-maintained for optimal functionality. The DJ is required to carry out routine inspections and the necessary maintenance procedures to ensure that everything is always in the best possible working order.

6. Promotional Activities

  • The specified Venue and the DJ who holds a residency there have come into an agreement to partake in cooperative efforts about promotional activities. Their ultimate goal is to effectively market the performances of the Resident DJ at the said Venue.

  • The agreed-upon promotional activities potentially encompass a wide variety of methods. This could involve promotion via various social media platforms, distribution of advertising materials such as eye-catching flyers, visually appealing posters, and any other promotional materials that they both find beneficial for their mutual cause and concur to employ.

7. Termination

  • Either party involved in this contract holds the right to bring to an end this contract by providing the other respective party with a written notice served during the [Notice Period].

  • This termination can be executed for any given reason or even without cause. When a situation of termination arises, any due payments that remain unpaid should be addressed within a timeline of [Payment Deadline] days immediately following the act of termination.

8. Governing Law

This Contract shall be governed by and construed under the laws of [State/Country], without regard to its conflicts of law principles.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.

[Name of Venue Representative]

[Date Signed]

[Namr of Resident DJ]

[Date Signed]

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