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Sound Healing Release Of Liability

Sound Healing Release of Liability

This Sound Healing Release of Liability ("Release") is entered into as of [Date], by and between [Participant's Name], located at [Participant's Address] ("Participant") and [Your Name], located at [Your Company Address] ("Sound Healer").

1. Nature of Sound Healing Services

The participant acknowledges and agrees to partake in sound healing sessions or therapies that are offered by the Sound Healer. The aforesaid sound healing can encompass a variety of sound instruments. Singing bowls, gongs, and tuning forks are some of the instruments that may be utilized, but this list is not exhaustive and other instruments can be incorporated. Additionally, voice toning is a potential element of the sound healing sessions. The primary objective of these sessions is to cultivate a state of relaxation and meditation, and it aims to foster overall well-being for the participant.

2. Acknowledgment of Risks

The individual who is participating understands fully and acknowledges consciously that the services involved in sound healing may come with inherent risks. These potential hazards are not exclusive, but merely include, amongst potential others:

  • Potential emotional or psychological effects.

  • Physical discomfort due to sound volume or vibration.

  • Allergic reactions to materials used.

  • Risks associated with relaxation techniques.

3. Release of Claims

The Participant hereby releases, waives, discharges, and covenants not to sue Sound Healer for any liability, claims, demands, actions, or causes of action arising out of or related to any loss, damage, or injury, including death, that may be sustained by Participant during or after participating in sound healing sessions.

4. Assumption of Risk

The Participant, with clear comprehension, understands and willingly takes on all the possible risks that are associated with participating in sound healing sessions. It is agreed upon and duly acknowledged by the participant that their participation in these sessions is purely voluntary. They take full accountability for this choice made out of their free will, fully aware of the hazards and dangers it may potentially entail.

5. Indemnification

The participant hereby provides his or her agreement to shield and protect the Sound Healer from any form of responsibility, charges, demands, activities, or causes of legal action that may be instigated by third-party entities. These conditions are linked to any potential consequences arising from the participant's involvement in sound healing sessions. In such cases, the participant will assume responsibility for any liability that may arise, as per the understanding outlined in this agreement.

6. Medical Advice

The individual participating hereby acknowledges and understands that the individual referred to as the "Sound Healer" in this context does not possess any professional medical license. As a result, the participant needs to understand that this sound healing practice should not be considered as a replacement or substitute for professional medical treatment or advice. If there are any concerns or queries regarding their health, the participant agrees to seek out professional medical advice. They are recommended to do so by consulting with a healthcare provider who is rightfully certified and qualified in this field.

7. Governing Law

The provisions and implications of this Release shall be regulated by and understood and interpreted by, the legislation and judicial norms practiced in the relevant [State/Country].

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Participant has executed this Sound Healing Release of Liability as of the date first above written.

Participant's Signature:



Sound Healer's Signature:



Witness's Signature (if applicable):



Note: This document is a sample release of liability and should be customized to fit the specific circumstances of the sound healing services provided. It is advisable to seek legal advice to ensure compliance with local laws and regulations.

Release of Liability Templates @