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Business Permission Slip

Business Permission Slip

Business Trip Details

  • Employee Name: [Your Name]

  • Department: [Your Department]

  • Destination: [Destination Name]

  • Purpose of Trip: [Purpose of the Trip]

  • Dates of Travel: [Start Date] to [End Date]

Authorization Details

I, [Your Name], hereby grant permission for the aforementioned business trip as detailed above.

Agreement to Company Policies

I understand and agree to abide by all company policies and guidelines during the course of this trip.

Emergency Contact Information

In case of emergency, please contact:

  • Name: [Emergency Contact Name]

  • Relationship: [Relationship to Employee]

  • Phone Number: [Emergency Contact Phone Number]


I acknowledge that participation in this business trip is voluntary and agree to adhere to all instructions provided by [Your Company Name].

[Your Name]

[Your Company Name]


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