Free Law Firm Legal Affidavit Template



Free Law Firm Legal Affidavit Template

Law Firm Legal Affidavit

STATE OF [State]

COUNTY OF [County]

I, [Your Name], being duly sworn, depose and state:

Background Information



I am over the age of eighteen years and have the legal capacity to make this affidavit.

Legal Assertions

I am intimately familiar with the circumstances that led to the legal dispute currently managed by our firm.

  • In the specific instance in question, I was directly involved in the negotiations that took place at the downtown conference room of the Hilton Hotel, where it was verbally agreed that the other party would cease the use of our patented processes in their manufacturing operations by the end of the fiscal quarter.

  • Following the negotiations, surveillance and purchase reports indicate that the other party not only continued to use the patented processes but also expanded their application to new production lines, which directly contravenes the agreements made during our meeting.

  • Despite multiple attempts to rectify this breach of the agreement through informal means, including three separate meetings and numerous communications via emails and phone calls, there has been no satisfactory resolution, which necessitates further legal action. The continuation of these unauthorized activities has caused significant financial losses and competitive disadvantages to our client.

Statement of Truth

I affirm that the information provided here is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. This affidavit is made in good faith to be used solely for the ongoing legal proceedings concerning the matter described above.

Further Affiant Sayeth Not

This affidavit contains all relevant facts as known by me pertaining to the legal dispute in question, and no part of it is false nor made with any deceptive intent.

Subscribed and sworn to before me this         day of                               ,               .

[Your Name]

Notarized by:

[Name of Notary Public]

Notary Public, State of [State]

My commission expires: [Date]


[Notary Seal]

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