Marketing Product Requirements Document

Marketing Product Requirements Document

I. Executive Summary

The Marketing Product Requirements Document (MPRD) outlines the necessary details for guiding the development of marketing campaigns for our upcoming mobile productivity app, [PRODUCT NAME]. It includes the marketing objectives, target audience, positioning, messaging, branding guidelines, promotional channels, and metrics for success.

II. Objective

The objective is to develop effective marketing campaigns that drive awareness, engagement, and conversion for [PRODUCT NAME].

III. Target Audience

a. Primary Audience:

Young professionals aged 25-35, working in tech industries, who seek tools to increase productivity and streamline tasks.

b. Secondary Audience:

Students and freelancers looking for organizational tools to manage their workload effectively.

IV. Positioning

[PRODUCT NAME] positions itself as the ultimate productivity companion, offering intuitive features and seamless integration across devices to help users achieve more in less time.

V. Key Messages

  • Empower your productivity with [PRODUCT NAME] – your all-in-one productivity solution.

  • Streamline your tasks and boost efficiency with intuitive features designed for modern professionals.

  • Stay organized, focused, and ahead of your goals with [PRODUCT NAME].

VI. Branding Guidelines

  • Brand Voice: Friendly, professional, and empowering.

  • Visual Identity: Clean and minimalist design with vibrant accent colors.

  • Logo Usage: Maintain clear space around the logo, and ensure consistent sizing and placement in marketing materials.

VII. Promotional Channels

  • Digital Advertising: Google Ads, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads.

  • Social Media: Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn.

  • Email Marketing: Targeted email campaigns to segmented audiences.

  • Content Marketing: Blog posts, guest articles on productivity platforms, and video tutorials.

VIII. Campaign Themes

  • "Unlock Your Potential": Highlighting the transformative power of [PRODUCT NAME] in unlocking users' productivity potential.

  • "Master Your Day": Emphasizing how [PRODUCT NAME] helps users master their daily tasks and achieve their goals effortlessly.

IX. Content Strategy

  • Blog Posts: How-to guides, productivity tips, success stories.

  • Videos: Product demos, user testimonials, tutorial videos.

  • Infographics: Product feature highlights, and productivity statistics.

  • Case Studies: Real-life examples of how [PRODUCT NAME] has helped users increase productivity.

X. Budget

Each marketing campaign will have a dedicated budget of $50,000, with a focus on maximizing ROI through targeted advertising and content creation.

XI. Timeline



Launching Date

Campaign 1

"Unlock Your Potential"

May 1, 2050

Campaign 2

"Master Your Day"

June 15, 2050

XII. Measurement and Analytics

a. Metrics:

Website traffic, app downloads, user engagement (time spent on the app), and conversion rates.

b. Analytics Tools:

Google Analytics, App Store Analytics, Social Media Insights.

XIII. Risk Assessment

Potential risks include low user adoption due to competition from established productivity apps. Mitigation strategies include offering unique features and emphasizing [PRODUCT NAME]'s ease of use and versatility.

XIV. Revision History





Initial draft of the document


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