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Law Firm Client Retainer Memo

Law Firm Client Retainer Memo

To: [Client's Name]

From: [Your Name],[Your Job Title]

Date: [Insert Date]

Re: Engagement for Estate Planning Services

Dear [Client's Name],

Thank you for entrusting [Your Company Name] with your estate planning. This memo outlines the terms under which we will provide our services to ensure clarity and mutual understanding.

Scope of Representation:

We will assist with drafting your will, establishing any trusts, and advising on estate tax strategies. This agreement covers only these specified services unless we mutually agree to expand the scope.

Fees and Billing:

  • Flat Fee Services: We charge a flat fee of $[amount] for the comprehensive estate planning package.

  • Hourly Services: Additional services beyond the initial scope will be charged at an hourly rate of $[rate].

  • Payment Terms: The flat fee is due 50% upfront and 50% upon completion of documents. Hourly fees will be billed monthly.


No retainer is required for the flat fee services. For hourly services, a retainer of $[amount] will be required, which will be held in a client trust account and billed monthly.

Client Responsibilities:

  • Timely provision of all necessary information and documentation.

  • Prompt feedback on drafts and timely approvals.

  • Fulfillment of financial obligations as per the terms outlined herein.


This agreement can be terminated by either party with written notice. Upon termination, you are liable for all fees and expenses incurred up to the termination date.


All information provided by you will be kept confidential and will not be disclosed outside our firm without your explicit consent, except as required by law.

Please review, sign, and return the attached acknowledgment to confirm your agreement with these terms. We look forward to supporting you in your estate planning needs.


[Your Name]

[Your Company Name] Law Firm

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