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Trust Distribution Statement

Trust Distribution Statement

I. Introduction

This distribution statement outlines the disbursements made from the Evergreen Family Trust for the period specified below. [Trust Name], established on [Date], under the stewardship of trustees [Trustee Name], aims to provide financial support to its designated beneficiaries by the terms outlined in the trust agreement and compliance with relevant legal regulations.

The beneficiaries listed herein are entitled to receive distributions as per the trust provisions. The statement includes details of beneficiaries, distribution dates, amounts disbursed, and descriptions of the purposes for which the funds were allocated during the specified period.

II. Trust Information



Trust Name

[Trust Name]

Trustee Name

[Trustee Name]

Trust Agreement Date


III. Beneficiary Information

This section provides details about the individuals or entities who are entitled to receive distributions from the trust.

Beneficiary Type



Primary Beneficiary

[Primary Beneficiary]

Daughter of the trust creators

Secondary Beneficiary

[Secondary Beneficiary]

Grandson of trust creators

IV. Distribution Details

Distributions for the period: [Start Date] to [End Date]


Beneficiary Name

Distribution Amount



[Primary Beneficiary]


Educational expenses


[Secondary Beneficiary]


Medical expenses

V. Terms and Conditions

Distributions are made following the terms stipulated in the trust agreement and relevant legal requirements. All beneficiaries are required to adhere to the conditions set forth:

  • Distributions Agreement: Distributions are executed following the stipulations outlined in the trust agreement, adhering also to the applicable legal requirements.

  • Usage of Distributed Funds: The distributed funds are to be used solely for the educational, health, and general welfare needs of the beneficiaries as outlined in the trust agreement.

  • Reporting Requirements: Beneficiaries must provide annual reports detailing the utilization of trust funds. Reports should include receipts and invoices for expenses related to education, medical care, and other approved purposes.

  • Compliance: Beneficiaries are required to comply with all provisions and conditions outlined in the trust agreement and applicable laws.

  • Trustee Oversight: Trustees are responsible for overseeing the distribution of funds and ensuring compliance with the trust's terms and legal requirements.

VI. Contact Information

Should you have any questions or require further information regarding this statement, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

Trustee Name:[Trustee Name]
Email: [Trustee Email]
Phone: [Trustee Phone Numer]

VII. Declaration and Signature

This distribution statement is a true and accurate record of the distributions made as per the trust documentation and overseen by the undersigned trustee.

[Trustee Name]

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