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Written Statement

Written Statement

[Your Name]

[Your Title or Position]


I. Introduction:

In response to the legal matter concerning a contract dispute with [Your Company Name], I, [Your Name], am providing this written statement to the Arbitration Panel. This statement is intended to clarify my position and provide relevant information regarding the matter at hand.

II. Background:

On [date], I entered into a contract with [Your Company Name] to provide consulting services. The contract specified the scope of work, payment terms, and duration of the agreement. However, a dispute has arisen regarding the payment for services rendered.

III. Statement of Facts:

  • On [date], I completed the consulting services as outlined in the contract.

  • [Your Company Name] has failed to make the agreed-upon payment for the services rendered.

  • The total amount owed by [Your Company Name] is $10,000.

  • Despite multiple attempts to resolve the issue amicably, [Your Company Name] has refused to pay.

IV. Legal Analysis:

  • The legal issue at hand pertains to breach of contract by [Your Company Name].

  • Relevant laws and regulations include the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) Section 2-709, which allows for recovery of the contract price in case of breach.

  • A relevant legal precedent is the case of [Name], where the court ruled in favor of the plaintiff in a similar breach of contract case.

V. Arguments:

  • My position is that [Your Company Name] is in breach of contract for failing to pay for the consulting services as agreed.

  • [Your Company Name]'s refusal to pay constitutes a violation of the terms of the contract.

  • I have fulfilled my obligations under the contract and am entitled to receive payment for the services rendered.

VI. Evidence:

  • The contract between myself and [Your Company Name], which outlines the scope of work and payment terms.

  • Invoices and billing statements detailing the services rendered and the amount owed.

  • Email correspondence between myself and [Your Company Name] discussing the payment dispute.

VII. Conclusion:

In conclusion, I believe that the facts and evidence presented in this statement clearly support my position that [Your Company Name] is in breach of contract. I respectfully request that the Arbitration Panel orders [Your Company Name] to pay the outstanding amount of $10,000.

VIII. Signature:

[Your Name]

[Date Signed]

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