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Work Statement

Work Statement

I. Introduction

This Work Statement is designed for the [Project Name] project at [Your Company Name]. The project aims to e.g., develop a new mobile app for customer engagement. This project is crucial for [Your Company Name] as it aligns with our strategic goal of enhancing customer experience and expanding market reach. Key stakeholders for this project include the project manager, development team, marketing team, and executive sponsors.

II. Project Objectives

  • Develop and launch a fully functional mobile app within 6 months that meets user needs and aligns with [Your Company Name]'s branding and values.

  • Increase customer engagement and retention by 20% increase in app downloads and active users within the first year of app launch.

  • Implement user feedback mechanisms to continuously improve app features and usability.

  • Collaborate with the marketing team to promote the app through targeted campaigns and outreach strategies.

III. Scope of Work

3.1 Inclusions

  • Conduct Market Research and User Surveys: Gather comprehensive insights into target market demographics, preferences, and pain points through thorough market research and user surveys.

  • Design UI Mockups and Develop App Features Translate the requirements and preferences that have been gathered into the visual user interface and user experience designs, as well as into the functional features of the application.

  • Conduct Rigorous Testing Phases, Including Beta Testing: Ensure app quality, performance, and user satisfaction through structured testing phases, including beta testing for real-world feedback.

  • Launch the App on iOS and Android App Stores: Prepare and execute a successful app launch on major app stores, followed by monitoring initial user engagement metrics.

3.2 Exclusions

  • Marketing Campaigns Beyond Initial App Launch: The scope of this project does not include marketing efforts that take place after the initial launch phase of the application.

  • Server Maintenance and Hosting Costs: The responsibility for server maintenance and hosting costs lies with the IT department and is not part of this project scope.

IV. Timeline and Milestones

4.1 Project Timeline



  1. Market Research and Requirements Gathering

Month 1-2

  1. UI/UX Design and Development

Month 3-4

  1. Testing and Bug Fixes

Month 5

  1. App Launch and Initial Marketing

Month 6

4.2 Milestone Deliverables



  1. Approval of UI/UX Design Mockups

End of Month 2

  1. Beta Testing Phase Completed

End of Month 5

  1. App Launch and Marketing Campaign Kickoff

End of Month 6

V. Resource Allocation

5.1 Human Resources

Project Manager

[Project Manager Name]

UI/UX Designer

[UI/UX Designer Name]

iOS Developer

[iOS Developer Names]

Android Developer

[Android Developer Names]


[QA/Testers Names]

5.2 Material Resources

  • Development Tools and Software Licenses: The IT department supplies essential development tools like IDEs, version control systems, design software, and software licenses, enabling developers and designers to collaborate effectively and build the app as specified.

  • User Testing Devices: The QA team procures user-testing devices such as smartphones and tablets to test the app's compatibility, functionality, and usability across various platforms, screen sizes, and OS versions.

VI. Quality Assurance and Evaluation

6.1 Quality Standards

  • The app must pass usability tests with at least 90% user satisfaction ratings.

  • All app functionalities must work seamlessly across multiple device types and operating systems.

6.2 Evaluation Criteria

  • Monthly progress reports and stakeholder meetings to review project status and address any issues.

  • Post-launch app performance evaluations based on user feedback, app store ratings, and engagement analytics.

VII. Conclusion

This Work Statement offers a structured framework for [Project Name] at [Your Company Name]. Adhering to the outlined scope, timelines, and resources ensures effective collaboration, progress tracking, and successful mobile app delivery. Regular communication and adherence to processes are key to a smooth execution and successful app launch.

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