Voluntary Statement


Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]

On behalf of: [YOUR COMPANY NAME]

I. Introduction

This voluntary statement is provided by [YOUR NAME], an individual associated with [YOUR COMPANY NAME], to describe specific events, facts, or circumstances that I have witnessed or been involved with. This statement is provided voluntarily and without coercion.

II. Declaration of Voluntary Participation

I, [YOUR NAME], hereby declare that the information provided in this statement is offered willingly and without any form of pressure or undue influence. My decision to provide this statement is made freely and based upon my conviction to outline the truth as pertains to the incident in question.

III. Description of Events

On the date of [DATE OF EVENT], the following incident(s) took place:

  • Location of the event: [LOCATION OF EVENT]

  • Time of the event: [TIME OF EVENT]

  • Parties involved: [NAMES OF PARTIES INVOLVED]

  • Nature of the event: [BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE EVENT]

IV. Factual Statement

The following are the details concerning the events as they occurred:

  1. Detailed account of what transpired at the beginning of the event.

  2. Description of the sequence of actions taken during the event.

  3. Concluding events or outcomes that signify the end of the incident.

V. Personal Observations and Conclusion

Based on my observation, the circumstances were as follows:

  • The individuals involved were engaged in a heated argument over project deadlines and resource allocation.

  • Mr. Smith was seen raising his voice and pointing fingers aggressively during the discussion.

  • Ms. Johnson attempted to de-escalate the situation by suggesting a break, but tensions remained high.

  • The conversation ultimately concluded without a resolution, leading to increased tension among team members.

I conclude this statement by affirming that the information provided herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief. Any additional information, if necessary, can be furnished upon request.

VI. Signature




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