Free Gym Waiver Format Template



Free Gym Waiver Format Template

Gym Waiver

This Gym Waiver Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into by and between [YOUR NAME], hereinafter referred to as "Trainer", and the Participant. The participation of activities will occur at or through [YOUR COMPANY NAME].

I. Acknowledgment of Risk

The Participant acknowledges that the activities involved in the gym may include physical exertion, and participation might be potentially hazardous. Activities may also involve severe physical injury, including but not limited to muscle tears, broken bones, cardiovascular complications, and other physical injury as a result of activity. The Participant agrees that they are voluntarily participating in these activities and assume all risk of injury.

II. Acceptance of Terms

By signing this waiver, the Participant affirms that they have been thoroughly informed of the risk involved and give consent to participate by signing this waiver. Before signing, the Participant has had ample opportunity to ask questions and seek clarification from [YOUR COMPANY NAME].

III. Disclaimer of Liability

[YOUR COMPANY NAME] as well as its employees, officers, trainers, and directors will not hold any liability for personal injuries, property losses or damages occurring out of the Participant's activities at [YOUR COMPANY NAME] facilities. The Participant hereby releases and fully discharges [YOUR COMPANY NAME] and associated parties from any and all liability.

IV. Medical Fit

The Participant declares they have no known medical conditions that prevent safe participation in physical activities. It is recommended that prior to starting any extensive physical activities, the Participant consults with a medical professional.

V. Use of Image

The Participant consents to the use of their photograph or likeness in connection with their participation in gym activities for promotional material by [YOUR COMPANY NAME] without compensation or notice.

VI. Modifications and Terminology

The provisions of this waiver can be modified only by a written agreement signed by both [YOUR NAME] and the Participant. Verbal modifications will not be regarded as valid.

VII. Governing Law

This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state or region in which [YOUR COMPANY NAME] operates.

VIII. Signatures

Both parties acknowledge that they understand the content of this waiver and agree voluntarily to its terms:

Participant's Signature:

Ronaldo Glynn

September 13, 2060

Witness (if required):

Ella Morris

September 13, 2060

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