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Salon Weekly Plan

1. Introduction

Objective of the Plan

The primary objective of this weekly plan for [Your Company Name] is to streamline salon operations, enhance client satisfaction, maximize resource utilization, and achieve a set revenue target of $10,000 for the week. This plan aims to foster a harmonious and productive working environment that not only meets but exceeds client expectations.

Overview of Weekly Goals

  • Revenue Targets: Achieve a weekly revenue of $10,000 through services and product sales.

  • Client Satisfaction: Maintain a client satisfaction rate of 95% as measured by service feedback and repeat bookings.

  • Team Performance: Enhance team efficiency and skill with targeted training sessions and performance reviews.

2. Staff Scheduling

Effective staff scheduling is crucial to ensure the salon operates smoothly and efficiently, accommodating peak times while managing staff workload.

Weekly Staff Schedule


Morning Shift (9 AM - 1 PM)

Afternoon Shift (1 PM - 5 PM)

Evening Shift (5 PM - 9 PM)


[Employee Names]

[Employee Names]

[Employee Names]


[Employee Names]

[Employee Names]

[Employee Names]


[Employee Names]

[Employee Names]

[Employee Names]


[Employee Names]

[Employee Names]

[Employee Names]


[Employee Names]

[Employee Names]

[Employee Names]


[Employee Names]

[Employee Names]






Overlapping Shifts

During the busiest periods of the week, which generally occur on Thursdays and Fridays between 1 PM and 4 PM, our strategy involves scheduling overlapping shifts to effectively manage the heightened influx of clients. Moreover, to ensure we maintain optimal service levels during these peak times, we arrange for additional support staff to be available.

Staff Meetings

Weekly staff meetings are held every Monday at 8 AM before the morning shift begins. These meetings focus on reviewing the previous week's performance, and client feedback, and discussing the current week's schedule and any changes in client appointments or promotions.

3. Client Appointments

Managing client appointments efficiently is key to maintaining a smooth workflow and ensuring client satisfaction.

Daily Appointment Schedules

We use a digital scheduling system to track and manage appointments. The front desk confirms all appointments one day in advance to reduce no-shows and last-minute cancellations.







9 AM - 11 AM

Hair Color




Keratin Treatment

11 AM - 1 PM



Scalp Treatment


Color Touch-Up

1 PM - 3 PM

Bridal Makeup



Hair Color


3 PM - 5 PM

Hair Styling

Scalp Treatment




5 PM - 7 PM

Free Slots

Hair Color




7 PM - 9 PM


Free Slots

Bridal Makeup

Free Slots

Keratin Treatment

VIP Clients and Complex Services

Specific time slots are set aside exclusively for VIP clients to accommodate the provision of more intricate services, guaranteeing that these clients are given individualized attention. This approach helps ensure that their presence and service needs do not interrupt or hinder the flow of standard appointments.

4. Inventory Management

Maintaining a well-stocked inventory is essential for seamless salon operations.

Weekly Inventory Checks

Every Sunday, inventory levels are assessed to prepare for the upcoming week. Critical items like shampoos, conditioners, hair color, and styling products are checked to ensure they are adequately stocked.

Stock Levels and Restocking Schedule

Product Category

Current Stock

Ideal Stock

Order Threshold

Order Day


15 bottles

30 bottles

20 bottles



10 bottles

20 bottles

15 bottles


Hair Colors

40 boxes

60 boxes

50 boxes


Styling Products

20 units

40 units

30 units


Product Needs Based on Appointments

Reviewing the upcoming week’s appointments allows us to ensure that all necessary products, especially for color treatments and special services, are available. For instance, an increase in color treatments requires ensuring ample stock of all hair color shades.

5. Promotions and Marketing

Effective marketing strategies are employed to attract new clients and retain existing ones.

Weekly Promotions

  • Discounts on Services: 20% off on all hair treatments every Wednesday.

  • Product Bundles: Buy a shampoo and conditioner set and get a 15% discount on styling products.

Social Media and Advertising Plans

  • Social Media: Daily posts featuring before-and-after photos of client makeovers, styling tips, and promotional announcements.

  • Email Marketing: Weekly newsletters highlighting special promotions, hair care tips, and new services.

Loyalty Programs and Referral Incentives

  • Loyalty Program: Clients earn points for every dollar spent, which can be redeemed for services or products.

  • Referral Program: Existing clients who refer new customers receive a free haircut or styling session.

6. Maintenance and Cleanliness

Maintaining a clean and well-functioning salon is essential for client satisfaction and compliance with health regulations.

Daily and Weekly Cleaning Schedules

To ensure a consistently clean environment, specific tasks are assigned daily and weekly.

Daily Tasks:

  • Sweep and mop all floors.

  • Disinfect all workstations and tools after each client.

  • Clean and sanitize restrooms twice a day.

  • Empty all trash bins at the close of the day.

Weekly Tasks:

  • Deep clean the salon, including washing windows and shampooing carpets.

  • Check and clean air conditioning vents.

  • Organize product shelves and storage areas.

Cleaning Schedule:



Responsible Person

Floor Cleaning


All staff (rotating)

Workstation Sanitization

After each client

Concerned Stylist

Restroom Sanitization

Twice Daily

Janitorial Staff

Trash Disposal


Closing Staff

Window Cleaning


Janitorial Staff

Maintenance Checks

Routine checks are performed to ensure all equipment operates efficiently and safely.


Check Frequency

Issue to Check

Responsible Person

Hair Dryers


Electrical Cords

Maintenance Team

Styling Chairs


Hydraulic Systems

Maintenance Team

Shampoo Stations


Plumbing Leaks

Maintenance Team

Safety Inspections and Compliance Checks

Safety inspections are carried out on a monthly basis in order to ensure compliance with local health and safety regulations. Additionally, all staff members undergo training in emergency procedures as well as in the proper handling of equipment.

7. Financial Management

Effective financial management is crucial for the sustainability of the salon.

Overview of Weekly Budget


Budgeted Amount

Actual Spend






















Expected Revenue vs. Expenses

The goal is to achieve a minimum of $10,000 in revenue with an expense cap of $7,500, allowing for a gross profit of $2,500.

Plan for Handling Cash Flow and Payroll

  • Cash Flow: Daily sales are tracked and deposited weekly. All major expenses are scheduled for post-revenue assessment.

  • Payroll: Managed bi-weekly to ensure staff are paid promptly and accurately, accounting for commissions and bonuses based on performance metrics.

8. Customer Service Enhancements

Enhancing customer service is pivotal in building loyalty and increasing client retention.

Training on New Customer Service Protocols

New training sessions include:

  • Handling difficult situations and client complaints.

  • Enhancing communication skills.

  • Upselling products and services effectively.

Training Schedule:




Communication Skills


HR Manager

Handling Complaints



Implementation of Feedback Mechanisms

Feedback forms are provided to customers after they have received service both through email and physically at the reception desk. Additionally, an online review system is in place to enable the gathering of real-time feedback from customers.

Special Client Engagement Activities

Events are planned on a monthly basis, including customer appreciation days and service discounts which are offered to returning customers. Additionally, promotions are run for birthday discounts and special offers during holiday seasons.

9. Performance Review

Regular performance reviews help in recognizing achievements and addressing areas for improvement.

Metrics to Measure Staff Performance

Key metrics include:

  • Client satisfaction ratings.

  • Revenue generated per stylist.

  • Adherence to service time standards.

Performance Metrics Table:


Client Satisfaction

Revenue Generated

Service Time Compliance









Client Satisfaction Surveys

Surveys are distributed every three months in order to evaluate and gather feedback on the overall satisfaction with the provided services, the environment, and the performance of the staff.

Plan for Addressing Identified Issues

Based on the results of surveys and performance reviews, action plans are formulated with a focus on several areas, including training programs, changes in staffing, or adjustments to existing processes.

10. Preparation for the Next Week

Effective preparation for the upcoming week ensures a smooth transition and continuity in salon operations, allowing [Your Company Name] to maintain high standards of service and client satisfaction.

Preliminary Scheduling and Bookings

Advance planning of the schedule is key to maximizing both staff efficiency and client satisfaction. Clients are encouraged to book their appointments well in advance, particularly for popular services such as hair treatments on weekends or special occasions like weddings. The front desk is tasked with ensuring that bookings are balanced to avoid overloading any particular stylist and to keep waiting times to a minimum. This also involves coordinating with clients to adjust timings if necessary to better distribute workload during peak hours.

Preliminary Bookings for Next Week:

  • Monday: 12 haircuts, 8 coloring sessions, 5 manicures/pedicures.

  • Tuesday: 10 haircuts, 9 coloring sessions, 3 keratin treatments.

  • Wednesday: 15 haircuts, 7 coloring sessions, 10 styling sessions.

  • Thursday and Friday: Reserved for more complex services and VIP clients.

Staff Rotation and Time-Off Management

Effective staff rotation is crucial for maintaining a balanced workload and ensuring all staff get adequate rest. Time-off requests are managed through a digital system where staff can submit their requests up to a month in advance. The manager then reviews these requests weekly to ensure there are no staffing gaps, especially during anticipated busy periods.

Staff Time-Off Management:

  • Requests Approved: 3 stylists requested time off next Friday.

  • Adjustments: Shift adjustments were made for Thursday and Saturday to ensure coverage.

  • Temporary Hires: Part-time staff on-call in case of unexpected shortages.

Strategic Adjustments Based on Performance and Feedback

Weekly meetings involve discussions on what worked well and what didn’t, based on client feedback and staff suggestions. Adjustments are made to the business strategy, services offered, or client management practices. For example, if feedback indicates that waiting times on weekends are too long, additional stylists may be scheduled for those days or specific services may be limited to weekdays.


Increased Staff on Weekends: Due to increased demand, two additional stylists will work this Saturday.

Promotion Adjustments: Shifting focus to promote weekday appointments with discounts to balance the workload.

11. Conclusion

Summary of Key Actions and Responsibilities

This section reaffirms the specific tasks each team member is responsible for during the coming week. It includes detailed responsibilities for front desk operations, stylists, cleaning staff, and management. Ensuring everyone is clear on their roles and responsibilities is crucial for smooth operations and maintaining high standards.

Responsibilities Overview:

  • Stylists: Focus on delivering quality services, and managing time efficiently.

  • Front Desk: Manage appointments, and client communications, and handle transactions.

  • Management: Oversee operations, staff coordination, and client satisfaction.

Final Notes and Motivational Message for the Team

Every week, a motivational message is circulated among the team members with the intention of inspiring them and reinforcing the significance of teamwork and prioritizing client needs as essential strategies for achieving our collective objectives.

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