Photography Coursework

Photography Coursework

  • Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]



I. Course Overview

The Photography Coursework allows participants to delve into the art and science of photography, exploring techniques, aesthetics, and applications across various genres.

II. Course Objectives

In this coursework, you will:

  1. Develop a comprehensive understanding of photographic principles, including composition, lighting, and exposure.

  2. Explore different genres of photography, such as portrait, landscape, documentary, and experimental.

  3. Hone your technical skills and creative vision to create compelling photographic works.

III. Course Structure

Module 1: Fundamentals of Photography

  • Introduction to camera types, functions, and settings.

  • Understanding exposure: aperture, shutter speed, and ISO.

  • Composition techniques and rules of visual aesthetics.

Module 2: Genre Exploration

  • Study of various photography genres and styles.

  • Practical exercises in portrait, landscape, and street photography.

  • Guest lectures by professional photographers sharing insights into their specialties.

Module 3: Advanced Techniques and Technologies

  • Advanced lighting techniques: natural light, studio lighting, and flash photography.

  • Digital post-processing techniques using software like Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom.

  • Introduction to drone photography and 360-degree imaging technologies.

Module 4: Portfolio Development

  • Creation of a photographic portfolio showcasing your best works.

  • Critique sessions for constructive feedback and improvement.

  • Presentation of final portfolios in a class exhibition or online showcase.

IV. Assignments and Assessments

  1. Photography assignments demonstrating technical skills and creativity.

  2. Written reflections on photographic concepts and techniques.

  3. Portfolio assessments based on composition, visual impact, and thematic coherence.

  4. Peer reviews and critique sessions for collaborative learning.

V. Course Resources

  • Required Textbooks:

    • The Photographer's Eye by Michael Freeman

    • Light Science & Magic: An Introduction to Photographic Lighting by Fil Hunter, Steven Biver, and Paul Fuqua

  • Additional Readings:

    • "The Art of Photography" - Article by Sarah Adams

    • "Documentary Photography: Capturing Real-Life Stories" - Research Paper by James Wilson

VI. Evaluation Criteria


Weight (%)


Technical Proficiency


Mastery of camera operation, exposure settings, and post-processing techniques.

Creativity and Originality


Innovation and uniqueness in photographic compositions, concepts, and storytelling.

Portfolio Presentation


Organization, coherence, and visual impact of the photographic portfolio.

Participation and Engagement


Activeness in class discussions, critiques, and peer reviews; engagement with course materials.

VII. Conclusion

By the end of this coursework, you will have expanded your knowledge and skills in photography, from the fundamentals of camera operation to the creation of compelling photographic works across different genres. We look forward to witnessing your growth and creativity throughout this journey!

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