Copy Editor Resume

Copy Editor Resume

I. Personal Information







II. Professional Summary

Experienced Copy Editor proficient in Adobe InCopy and Microsoft Word, with a strong dedication to grammatical accuracy and style consistency (AP Stylebook, Chicago Manual). Proven track record of delivering precise, high-quality content under tight deadlines.

III. Education

Bachelor of Arts in English Literature
Institution: [Your University Name]

Year: [Year of Graduation]

Graduated with honors, demonstrating strong academic performance and a commitment to excellence in written communication. Actively participated in editing workshops and seminars, which enriched my professional editing skills and knowledge.

Relevant Coursework:

  • Completed coursework in advanced grammar, syntax, and editing techniques for print and digital media.

  • Edited articles, manuscripts, and marketing materials to ensure clarity and coherence in content.

  • Trained extensively in industry-standard editing software like Adobe InCopy and Grammarly for enhanced efficiency.

  • Familiar with style guides such as AP Stylebook and Chicago Manual of Style for maintaining editorial standards.

  • Participated in workshops on proofreading strategies, content organization, and collaborative editing in team settings.

IV. Qualifications & Achievements

  • Proficient in Adobe InCopy, Grammarly, and Microsoft Word, ensuring accuracy and consistency in written content.

  • Strong understanding of style guides such as the AP Stylebook, Chicago Manual of Style, and MLA Handbook, maintaining editorial standards across diverse content.

  • Successfully edited and proofread articles, manuscripts, and marketing materials for clarity and coherence, adhering to project-specific guidelines.

  • Improved error reduction rates by 20% and readability scores by 15% through effective editing strategies and feedback implementation.

  • Collaborated with marketing teams, graphic designers, and content creators to ensure editorial consistency and accuracy across digital and print projects.

V. Work Experience

Senior Copy Editor
[Previous Company Name], [City, State]
[Month Year – Month Year]

  • Supervised a team of 5 junior editors and coordinated with 10 freelance writers to ensure timely delivery of content across digital and print platforms.

  • Enhanced the clarity, precision, and engagement of written materials across XYZ Publishing's website, social media channels, and printed publications without compromising the original tone.

  • Implemented new editorial standards including fact-checking procedures and style guide adherence, resulting in a 25% reduction in factual errors.

  • Maintained strict adherence to the latest industry standards and ensured compliance with the AP Stylebook and in-house editorial guidelines during each project phase.

Copy Editor
[Previous Company Name], [City, State]
[Month Year – Month Year]

  • Edited and proofread an average of 20 articles per week for ABC News website and print editions, ensuring error-free and publication-ready copies.

  • Contributed to a 15% increase in reader engagement through meticulous editing and feedback implementation based on audience insights and analytics.

  • Organized weekly training sessions for new editors, focusing on advanced editing techniques, software tools such as Adobe InCopy and Grammarly, and effective communication strategies within editorial teams.

VI. Certifications and Awards


  • Certificate in Editing from [Reputable Institution], Year

  • Adobe Certified Expert in InCopy, Year


  • Excellence in Editing Award, [Previous Company Name], Year

  • Outstanding Performance Award for Accuracy and Efficiency, Year

VII. References

Available upon request.

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