Debtors Plan Payment Declaration

Debtors Plan Payment Declaration

I. Introduction

This Declaration sets forth the commitment by [YOUR NAME], currently employed at [YOUR COMPANY NAME], to adhere to a payment plan agreement for the discharge of owed debts. This document outlines the structured approach to be taken in handling the unsettled amounts and specifies the timetable for payments.

II. Debtor Information

The undersigned debtor, [YOUR NAME], of [YOUR COMPANY NAME], can be reached for any relevant matters at the following contact information: Email address - [YOUR COMPANY EMAIL], Company Address - [YOUR COMPANY ADDRESS], Phone number - [YOUR COMPANY NUMBER], and additional details can be found on our website - [YOUR COMPANY WEBSITE] and our social media page - [YOUR COMPANY SOCIAL MEDIA].

III. Payment Plan Details

Pursuant to realizing the full settlement of the existing debts, [YOUR NAME] agrees to adhere to a pre-structured payment plan, which details monthly installment amounts of [MONTHLY PAYMENT AMOUNT]. The plan begins on [START DATE] and will continue with payments being due on the [PAYMENT DATE] of each month until the debt is paid in full. Failure to adhere to this schedule may result in penalties as detailed in the agreement specified by [YOUR COMPANY NAME]’s financial department.

IV. Acknowledgment of Terms and Conditions

By signing this declaration, [YOUR NAME] acknowledges that all the information provided is accurate and true and commits to abide by the terms of the payment plan. This includes timely payments as well as informing the creditor, [YOUR COMPANY NAME], of any changes in financial status that may affect the ability to meet the agreed-upon schedule.

VI. Conclusion:

This Declaration signifies [YOUR NAME]'s commitment to responsibly address the outstanding debts owed to [Your Company Name] through a structured payment plan. By adhering to the terms outlined herein, both parties aim to resolve the matter in a fair and mutually beneficial manner. Your cooperation and adherence to the agreed-upon schedule are greatly appreciated. Should you have any questions or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us using the provided information.

V. Signature

[Your Name]
[Position Title]
[Your Company Name]

Date: [Date]

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