Policy Memo Acknowledgment

Policy Memo Acknowledgment


I am writing to formally acknowledge the receipt and understanding of the policy memo titled "[POLICY MEMO TITLE]" distributed on [DISTRIBUTION DATE]. This memo reflects significant changes in our operational guidelines which are effective from [EFFECTIVE DATE].

As an employee of [YOUR COMPANY NAME], I understand the importance of adhering to these newly revised policies. I have thoroughly reviewed the document and am aware of the implications these changes bear on my role and responsibilities.

The key changes noted and acknowledged are:

  • [KEY CHANGE 1]: Description of the change and how it impacts operational procedures.

  • [KEY CHANGE 2]: Description of the change and adjustments required in day-to-day activities.

I appreciate the effort of the management, particularly [AUTHOR OF THE MEMO], in ensuring that all staff are kept informed and well-guided. This reflects [YOUR COMPANY NAME]'s commitment to transparency and efficiency.

Please consider this letter as my formal acknowledgment of the receipt and comprehension of the policy memo. I commit to fully integrating these changes into my work practices to ensure smooth operations and compliance with [YOUR COMPANY NAME]'s standards.

Should there be any issues or further clarification needed, I will not hesitate to contact [RELEVANT DEPARTMENT OR CONTACT PERSON].

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Best regards,





Acknowledgment Templates @ Template.net