Interior Design Partnership Contract

Interior Design Partnership Contract

This Interior Design Partnership Contract ("Contract") is made on [Date] between [YOUR COMPANY NAME], a company incorporated under the laws of [Jurisdiction] with a principal business address at [YOUR COMPANY ADDRESS] ("Designer"), and [PARTNER COMPANY NAME], a company incorporated under the laws of [Jurisdiction] with a principal business address at [PARTNER COMPANY ADDRESS] ("Partner").


WHEREAS, the Designer is engaged in the business of providing interior design services; and

WHEREAS, the Partner wishes to collaborate with the Designer to offer enhanced design services to the market;

WHEREAS, the Designer and the Partner (collectively, the "Parties") wish to enter into this Contract to define their partnership terms and work collaboratively on various projects;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises herein contained, the Parties hereto agree as follows:

1. Scope of Work

The Designer shall provide comprehensive interior design services tailored to each project's unique requirements, which include, but are not limited to, spatial planning, drafting detailed design schematics, budget management, creation of customized design elements, and supervising the execution of these designs on-site. The specific scope for each project will be outlined in project briefs provided by the Partner. The Designer also agrees to consult with the Partner’s teams, align with the Partner's strategic objectives, and ensure that all designs uphold the Partner's brand standards and client expectations.

2. Term and Termination

2.1 Commencement and Duration

This Contract is effective from the date signed and shall continue unless terminated by either party. The engagement is structured to adapt to ongoing partnership needs, subject to project completion and renewal terms as agreed.

2.2 Termination for Convenience

Either party may opt to terminate this Contract without cause, provided that a written notice of at least [Number of Days] is given to the other party. This provision allows for flexibility in the business relationship, accommodating changing market conditions or strategic directions.

2.3 Termination for Cause

Immediate termination is applicable upon significant contract violation. If one party breaches any critical term or condition, and if this breach is not rectified within [Number of Days] after a formal notice, the aggrieved party reserves the right to terminate the contract forthwith. This safeguard ensures each party’s commitment to the contractual obligations.

3. Compensation

3.1 Fees

Fees for services rendered under this Contract will be specified for each project, agreed upon in written form by both parties before commencement. This approach ensures clarity and mutual understanding of financial commitments related to the scope of work.

3.2 Payment Terms

The Designer will issue invoices on a monthly basis, and the Partner agrees to fulfill each invoice within [Number of Days] from the date of receipt. Detailed records of time and resources expended on the project will be provided to maintain transparency and facilitate audits.

4. Intellectual Property

4.1 Ownership

Upon full compensation, all intellectual property rights, including designs, plans, drawings, and documents produced by the Designer in the course of executing contracted projects, will transfer to the Partner. This transfer underscores the Partner's control over the outputs of their investment.

4.2 Usage Rights

The Designer retains the right to use completed projects and associated materials for promotional purposes, enhancing the Designer’s portfolio unless expressly restricted by the Partner in writing, thereby protecting the Partner's proprietary interests.

5. Confidentiality

Both parties commit to maintaining the confidentiality of all proprietary information exchanged during the contract term. Unauthorized disclosure to third parties is strictly prohibited unless prior written consent is obtained. This clause is essential for protecting both parties' business interests and client data.

6. Non-compete

The Designer agrees not to provide similar services to direct competitors of the Partner within a defined geographic radius for a specified duration post-contract, safeguarding the Partner against potential competitive disadvantages.

7. Liability

7.1 Limitation of Liability

Liabilities for indirect damages like lost profits or reputational harm are capped, ensuring that the contract does not expose either party to disproportionate financial risks.

7.2 Maximum Liability

Total liability for any claims related to the services provided under this Contract shall not exceed the total fees paid to the Designer, balancing risk while maintaining a fair potential recourse for both parties.

8. General Provisions

8.1 Entire Agreement

This document constitutes the full agreement between the parties, superseding all prior discussions and agreements, which ensures clarity and serves as the definitive reference for the partnership terms.

8.2 Amendments

Changes to this Contract are only valid when made in writing and signed by both parties, preventing misunderstandings and ensuring any modifications are mutually agreed upon.

8.3 Governing Law

This Contract is governed by the laws of [Jurisdiction], ensuring that legal interpretations and dispute resolutions are conducted under a predefined legal framework, providing certainty in legal proceedings.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.



Name: [Your Name]

Title: [Your Title]




Name: [Partner's Name]

Title: [Partner's Title]


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