Free Business Emergency Plan Template



Free Business Emergency Plan Template

Business Emergency Plan

Written by: [Your Name]

I. Introduction

In the event of an emergency, it is crucial for [Your Company Name] to have a well-defined plan in place to ensure the safety and well-being of all employees, visitors, and assets. This emergency plan outlines the procedures and protocols to be followed during various emergency situations.

II. Risk Assessment

A. Identification of Potential Risks

  • Conducted a thorough assessment to identify potential risks and hazards within the workplace, including but not limited to:

    • Natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, wildfires, hurricanes, tornadoes, and severe storms.

    • Man-made emergencies like fires, chemical spills, gas leaks, explosions, workplace violence, and terrorism threats.

B. Evaluation of Risks

  • Assessed the likelihood and potential impact of each identified risk, considering factors such as:

    • Historical data on past incidents

    • Geographic location and local environmental conditions

    • Vulnerability of assets, infrastructure, and personnel

    • Regulatory requirements and industry standards

Risk Matrix:




Impact (1-5)

Risk Level

Mitigation Strategies





Regular fire safety inspections

Fire suppression systems

Employee training on fire prevention and response





Seismic retrofitting of buildings

Secure heavy equipment and shelving

Conduct earthquake drills

Chemical Spill




Proper storage and handling procedures

Spill containment kits

Employee training on chemical safety

III. Emergency Response Procedures

A. Evacuation Procedures

  1. Fire Evacuation

    • Designated evacuation routes and assembly points have been established, clearly marked with illuminated exit signs.

    • Regular fire drills are conducted quarterly, with designated personnel trained to assist individuals with disabilities during evacuations.

    • Emergency evacuation maps posted throughout the facility, indicating primary and alternative evacuation routes.

  2. Natural Disaster Evacuation

    • Specific procedures outlined for earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, and other natural disasters, including shelter locations and evacuation routes.

    • Emergency supplies stocked in designated areas for use during evacuations, including first aid kits, blankets, water, and non-perishable food items.

B. Shelter-in-Place Procedures

  • Procedures outlined for situations where evacuation may not be safe or feasible, such as during severe weather, chemical spills, or external threats.

  • Designated shelter areas identified within the facility, equipped with emergency supplies and communication devices.

C. Emergency Contacts

  • Contact information for emergency services, including fire, police, medical services, and hazardous materials response teams, readily available to all employees.

  • Designated individuals assigned to communicate with emergency services and coordinate response efforts.

IV. Communication Plan

A. Internal Communication

  • Established communication channels for disseminating emergency alerts and updates to all employees, including:

    • Email

    • Text messaging

    • PA system announcements

    • Two-way radios for essential personnel

B. External Communication

  • Protocol for communicating with external stakeholders, including clients, suppliers, regulatory agencies, and the media, during emergencies.

  • Designated spokesperson(s) identified to liaise with external parties and provide timely updates and information.

External Communication Plan:


Contact Method

Designated Contact Person


Email, Phone

Sales Manager


Phone, Fax

Procurement Coordinator

Regulatory Agencies

Email, Phone

Safety Compliance Officer


Designated Spokesperson

Public Relations Manager

V. Resource Management

A. Emergency Supplies

  • Stocked emergency supplies such as first aid kits, flashlights, batteries, portable radios, and personal protective equipment (PPE) are readily available throughout the premises.

  • Regular inventory checks conducted to ensure adequate stock levels and expiration dates are monitored and replenished as needed.

Emergency Supplies Inventory:




Expiry Date

First Aid Kits

Each Floor




Storage Room



Bottled Water

Break Room



N95 Respirators

Emergency Kits



B. Equipment Maintenance

  • Regular maintenance and inspection of emergency equipment, such as fire extinguishers, emergency lighting, alarm systems, and ventilation systems, to ensure functionality and compliance with regulatory standards.

  • Maintenance schedules documented, including dates of inspections, repairs, and replacements.

VI. Training and Drills

A. Employee Training

  • Mandatory training sessions conducted annually to educate employees on emergency procedures and protocols, including:

    • Fire safety training

    • First aid/CPR training

    • Hazardous materials handling

    • Active shooter response training

  • Quarterly drills conducted to practice evacuation, shelter-in-place, and response procedures, with feedback provided to improve performance.

B. Training for Emergency Response Teams

  • Specialized training provided to designated emergency response teams, including:

    • Incident command system (ICS) training

    • Advanced first aid and medical response training

    • Hazardous materials response training

    • Crisis communication and media relations training

VII. Review and Update

A. Regular Review

  • Plan to be reviewed annually by the Emergency Planning Committee to ensure relevance, effectiveness, and compliance with regulatory requirements.

  • Any changes in the organizational structure, operational processes, or physical layout of the premises to be promptly reflected in the emergency plan.

B. Incident Debriefing

  • After-action reviews conducted following any emergency incident to identify lessons learned, areas for improvement, and corrective actions.

  • Recommendations implemented to enhance emergency preparedness and response capabilities.

VIII. Appendices

A. Emergency Contact List

  • Comprehensive list of emergency contacts, including names, titles, phone numbers, and email addresses, for internal and external stakeholders.

B. Floor Plans

  • Detailed floor plans indicating evacuation routes, emergency exits, assembly points, utility shutoff locations, and hazardous materials storage areas.

C. Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

  • Detailed SOPs for various emergency scenarios, including step-by-step procedures, roles and responsibilities, and escalation protocols.

D. Regulatory Compliance Documents

  • Copies of relevant permits, licenses, and regulatory compliance documents related to emergency preparedness and response.

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