Clinical Research Recruitment Plan

Clinical Research Recruitment Plan

I. Executive Summary

This Clinical Research Recruitment Plan outlines the strategies and methodologies that will be employed to recruit participants for our clinical research study.

We aim to ensure timely recruitment, with a focus on diversity and adherence to ethical standards.

II. Objectives

The main objectives of our recruitment plan are:

  1. Recruit a diverse participant population that meets the inclusion criteria.

  2. Maintain a clear and consistent communication strategy to engage potential participants.

  3. Ensure compliance with ethical guidelines and regulatory requirements.

  4. Achieve the target recruitment numbers within the specified timeframe.

III. Study Overview

  • Study Title: [Study Title]

  • Principal Investigator: [YOUR NAME]

  • Sponsor: [Sponsor Name]

  • Study Design: [Study Design]

  • Duration: [Study Duration]

  • Target Population: [Target Population]

IV. Recruitment Strategies

Digital Outreach:

  • Utilize social media platforms for outreach. ($5,000)

  • Leverage our company website for announcements and updates.

  • Conduct email campaigns targeting our existing database.

Traditional Outreach:

  • Distribute flyers and brochures in community centers, clinics, and hospitals. ($2,500)

  • Engage local media for press releases and news stories.


  • Collaborate with healthcare providers and organizations.

  • Work with patient advocacy groups.


  • Encourage current and past study participants to refer others.

  • Offer incentives for successful referrals. ($3,000)

V. Eligibility Criteria

To ensure we recruit the right participants, the eligibility criteria will be:

Inclusion Criteria:

  • The participant must:

    • Be aged between [Age Range]

    • Have a confirmed diagnosis of [Condition]

    • Provide informed consent

Exclusion Criteria:

  • The participant must not:

    • Have a history of [Exclusion Condition]

    • Be currently participating in another clinical trial.

VI. Recruitment Timeline


Start Date

End Date



[Start Date]

[End Date]

Develop materials, train recruiters

Recruitment Launch

[Start Date]

[End Date]

Initiate outreach efforts

Active Recruitment

[Start Date]

[End Date]

Monitor and adjust strategies


[Start Date]

[End Date]

Track participant engagement

VII. Ethical Considerations

All recruitment activities will adhere to ethical standards as set forth by regulatory bodies, ensuring that:

  • Participants provide informed consent.

  • Privacy and confidentiality are maintained.

  • There is transparency in communication.

VIII. Budget


Estimated Cost

Digital Marketing


Printed Materials






IX. Evaluation and Reporting

We will evaluate the success of our recruitment plan through:

  • Monthly reports on recruitment numbers and demographics.

  • Analysis of recruitment channels and their effectiveness.

  • Adjustments to strategies based on findings.

Plan Templates @