Restaurant Billing Statement

Restaurant Billing Statement

Statement Date: [Date]

Statement Period: [Date] to [Date]

Thank you for dining at [Your Company Name]. Please review the itemized charges below. Ensure all details are correct, and make your payment by the due date listed. Contact us with any questions.

Customer Information


[Your Name]


[Your Address]

Contact Number:

[Your Number]

Email Address:

[Your Email]

Invoice Number:

[Invoice Number]

Reference Number:

[Reference Number]

Itemized Charges




Unit Price

Total Price


Grilled Salmon





Caesar Salad





Ribeye Steak





French Fries





Margherita Pizza










House Red Wine

[0] Bottle



Subtotal: Food and Beverages = $177.00

Taxes and Fees

Sales Tax ([0]%):


Service Charge ([0]%):


Total Amount Due

Grand Total: $208.86

Payment Terms

  • Due Date: [Date]

  • Accepted Payment Methods: Credit Card, Bank Transfer, Cash

Thank you for choosing [Your Company Name]. We appreciate your patronage and look forward to serving you again.

If you have any questions regarding this statement, please contact [Your Name] at [Your Company Number] or [Your Company Email].

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