Free Rent Repayment Plan Template



Free Rent Repayment Plan Template

Rent Repayment Plan

I. Introduction

This Rent Repayment Plan (RRP) document specifies the detailed terms and conditions under which [Tenant's Name] agrees to repay the overdue rent amount to [Your Name]. The aforementioned agreement is formally entered into and becomes effective as of the 20th of January 2050.

II. Tenant Information

A. Tenant Details

  • Tenant Name: [Tenant's Name]

  • Tenant Contact Information: [Tenant's Phone Number]

  • Current Address: [Your Company Address]

III. Rental Agreement Details

A. Lease Terms

  • Lease Agreement: L-1234

  • Lease Term: 3 Years

  • Monthly Rent: $1500

  • Due Date: 1st of Each Month

  • Arrears Period: 15 Days

IV. Outstanding Rent Amount

A. Amount Owed

As of the date of May 17, 2054, the cumulative total of rental payments that have not been paid by their respective due dates has reached an amount of $3,750.

V. Repayment Schedule

A. Proposed Plan

A structured repayment plan is proposed as follows:

Payment Date

Amount Due

Payment Method


May 20, 2054


Bank Transfer

Confirmation Email

June 5, 2054


Online Payment

Transaction ID: 123456

June 20, 2054



Check Number: 2222

July 5, 2054



Receipt Provided

July 20, 2054


Credit Card

Confirmation Number: 7781

VI. Terms and Conditions

A. Late Payments

  • If any payment is not received by the due date, a $50 late fee will apply.

  • Failure to adhere to the repayment plan may result in further legal action by the landlord.

VII. Signatures

Both of the parties that are involved in this agreement hereby express their mutual consent and agree to adhere to all of the conditions and stipulations that are outlined within this Rent Repayment Plan.

Name: [Tenant's Name]

Date: [Date Signed]

Name: [Your Name]

Date: [Date Signed]

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