Affidavit Of Support Letter For Visa

Affidavit Of Support Letter For Visa

  1. I, [Your Name], residing at [Your Address], with a contact number of [Your Phone Number] and email address [Your Email], hereby affirm my intent to act as a financial sponsor for [Visa Applicant's Name], who is applying for a visa to enter United States.

  1. I am the cousin of [Visa Applicant's Name] and have known him/her for 15 years. I am fully aware of his/her intention to stay in the United States and I am committed to providing financial support during this period.

  1. I am currently employed at [Your Company Name], at [Your Company Address]. My job title is Software Developer and I earn an annual salary of $75,000. Attached are my recent pay stubs and a letter from my employer confirming my employment and salary. Moreover, I possess assets such as [specify any significant assets, e.g., a home, savings accounts, investments] with an approximate value of $250,000, reinforcing my financial security.

  1. I pledge to provide [Visa Applicant's Name] with financial support for living expenses, accommodation, healthcare, and any other necessary expenses for the duration of his/her stay in the United States. This support will be provided from the moment of his/her arrival until April 15, 2050 or until such a time as he/she can support themselves independently.

  1. Under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the United States, I declare that the information provided in this affidavit is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that providing false information could result in legal consequences.

[Your Name]
Date: [Date]

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