21 Day Fix Meal Plan


Written by: Lovely

I. Introduction

Welcome to your 21-Day Fix Meal Plan! This plan is designed to help you achieve your health and fitness goals by providing balanced meals and snacks over the next three weeks. Whether your aim is weight loss, improved energy levels, or establishing healthy eating habits, this plan is tailored to support your journey.

II. Goals and Objectives

A. Weight Loss

Our primary goal is to support you in achieving sustainable weight loss by providing nutritious meals within appropriate portion sizes. By adhering to this meal plan, you'll create a calorie deficit while still meeting your body's nutritional needs.

B. Improved Energy Levels

By consuming balanced meals throughout the day, you'll experience improved energy levels and better overall well-being. Say goodbye to energy crashes and hello to sustained vitality as you nourish your body with wholesome foods.

C. Establishing Healthy Habits

This meal plan aims to help you establish long-lasting healthy eating habits that you can maintain beyond the 21 days. Through mindful eating and portion control, you'll develop a healthier relationship with food and set the foundation for a lifetime of wellness.

III. Weekly Meal Plan

A. Week 1 and 2:







Oatmeal with mixed berries

Grilled chicken salad

Baked salmon with quinoa

Greek yogurt with berries


Scrambled eggs with spinach

Turkey wrap with lettuce

Stir-fried tofu with vegetables

Apple slices with peanut butter


Greek yogurt with granola

Quinoa salad with avocado

Grilled shrimp with brown rice

Carrot sticks with hummus


Protein smoothie

Lentil soup with whole-grain bread

Chicken stir-fry with rice noodles

Almonds and dried fruit


Avocado toast

Veggie wrap with hummus

Baked cod with sweet potato

Cottage cheese with pineapple


Whole grain pancakes with berries

Turkey chili with cornbread

Grilled steak with roasted vegetables

Rice cakes with almond butter


Breakfast burrito

Quinoa tabbouleh salad

Grilled chicken with quinoa and veggies

Mixed nuts

A. Week 3 and 4:







Smoothie bowl with mixed fruits

Grilled chicken Caesar salad

Baked halibut with quinoa

Greek yogurt with honey and walnuts


Breakfast frittata

Turkey and avocado wrap

Spaghetti squash with marinara sauce

Sliced cucumber with hummus


Overnight oats with almond butter

Tuna salad with whole grain crackers

Grilled tofu with roasted vegetables

Apple slices with almond butter


Protein pancakes with maple syrup

Lentil and vegetable stew

Turkey meatballs with zucchini noodles

Trail mix


Breakfast burrito

Quinoa and black bean salad

Grilled salmon with asparagus

Cottage cheese with peaches


Egg muffins with spinach

Veggie stir-fry with brown rice

Baked chicken with sweet potato

Rice cakes with avocado spread


Chia seed pudding

Kale and quinoa salad

Beef stir-fry with broccoli and bell peppers

Mixed nuts

IV. Shopping List

  • Lean proteins: chicken breast, turkey, tofu, shrimp, salmon

  • Whole grains: quinoa, brown rice, whole grain bread

  • Fruits: berries, apples, pineapple

  • Vegetables: spinach, kale, broccoli, carrots

  • Dairy: Greek yogurt, cottage cheese

  • Healthy fats: avocado, nuts, peanut butter

  • Snacks: rice cakes, almonds, hummus

  • Other essentials: eggs, oatmeal, lentils

V. Nutritional Guidelines

A. Portion Control

Use the provided containers or portion sizes to measure your meals and snacks accurately. Portion control is key to managing calorie intake and achieving your weight loss goals.

B. Hydration

Stay hydrated by drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day. You can also include herbal teas or infused water for variety. Adequate hydration supports digestion, metabolism, and overall well-being.

C. Balanced Nutrition

Ensure each meal contains a balance of carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats to support your energy levels and overall health. Aim for variety and include a diverse range of foods to meet your nutritional needs.

VI. Additional Notes

  • Feel free to swap out ingredients or meals based on your preferences and dietary restrictions. Flexibility is key to maintaining long-term adherence to the meal plan.

  • Plan your meals and snacks ahead of time to stay on track throughout the 21 days. Preparation is key to success.

  • Listen to your body and make adjustments as needed to meet your individual needs and goals. Trust yourself and enjoy the journey to a healthier you!

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