Free Child Custody Parenting Plan Template



Free Child Custody Parenting Plan Template


I. Introduction

This Parenting Plan is established between [Your Name] (referred to as "Parent A") and Emily Johnson (referred to as "Parent B") with the best interests of their child(ren) in mind. This plan outlines the agreed-upon arrangements for custody, visitation, communication, decision-making, and other parental responsibilities.

II. Custody Arrangements

Legal Custody: Joint legal custody shall be granted to both parents, entailing shared decision-making authority regarding the child(ren)'s education, healthcare, religion, and general welfare. Both parents shall have equal rights and responsibilities in making major decisions affecting the child(ren)'s life.

Physical Custody: [Your Name] shall have primary physical custody of the child(ren), providing them with a stable and nurturing home environment. Emily Johnson shall have visitation rights to ensure meaningful and consistent contact with the child(ren) as outlined below.

III. Visitation Schedule

The visitation schedule shall be as follows:


[Your Name]

Parent B

Monday - Friday

After school until 7:00 PM



Friday 6:00 PM - Sunday 6:00 PM (Alternate weekends)

Sunday 6:00 PM - Sunday 8:00 PM (Alternate weekends)

IV. Holiday and Special Occasion Schedules

Holiday and special occasion schedules shall be as follows:


[Your Name]

Parent B


Even years: December 24 - December 26

Odd years: December 26 - December 28


Odd years

Even years

Child's Birthday

Alternating years

Alternating years

V. Parental Responsibilities

Parental responsibilities shall include:

A. Education

  • Parent A: Enrolling the child(ren) in school, attending parent-teacher conferences, and ensuring academic progress.

  • Parent B: Assisting with homework, attending school events, and supporting educational activities.

B. Healthcare

  • Parent A: Scheduling medical appointments, maintaining health insurance coverage, and overseeing medical care.

  • Parent B: Sharing medical information, attending medical appointments, and ensuring the child(ren)'s well-being.

C. Extracurriculars

  • Parent A: Enrolling the child(ren) in extracurricular activities, ensuring participation.

  • Parent B: Supporting participation, and sharing costs associated with extracurriculars.

D. Daily Care

  • Parent A: Providing meals, clothing, and necessary items for the child(ren)'s daily needs.

  • Parent B: Contributing to expenses, ensuring the child(ren)'s needs are met during visitation periods.

VI. Communication Guidelines

Both parents shall maintain open and respectful communication regarding the child(ren)'s well-being. Communication methods may include phone calls, emails, or a shared online platform. Both parents agree to promptly share important information regarding the child(ren)'s health, education, and general welfare.

VII. Decision-Making Authority

Major decisions regarding the child(ren)'s upbringing, including but not limited to healthcare, education, religious upbringing, and extracurricular activities, shall be made jointly by both parents. In the event of a disagreement, the parents agree to seek mediation to resolve the issue amicably. If mediation is unsuccessful, either parent may seek legal intervention.

VIII. Temporary Child Support Arrangements

Child support shall be paid by Parent A under the guidelines set forth by the laws of the state of Oregon. Temporary arrangements for child support shall be as follows: Parent A agrees to provide financial support to Parent B of $500 per month, commencing on the first of the month following the signing of this agreement and continuing until a formal child support agreement is established through the appropriate legal channels.

IX. Amendments to the Plan

Any amendments to this Parenting Plan shall be made in writing and signed by both parents. Amendments shall be considered valid only when documented and agreed upon by both parties. Both parents acknowledge their willingness to review and modify the plan as necessary to adapt to changing circumstances or the child's needs.

X. Acknowledgement and Signatures

Both parties acknowledge that they have read and understood the terms of this Parenting Plan and agree to abide by its provisions. By signing below, both parents affirm their commitment to cooperate in the best interests of their children.

[Your Name]

Date: [Date]

[Parent B's Name]

Date: [Date]

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