Grade 3 Math Unit Plan

Grade 3 Math Unit Plan

Prepared by:





Introduction to Multiplication and Division



I. Unit Overview

A. Unit Description

This unit introduces third-grade students to the foundational concepts of multiplication and division. Through hands-on activities, visual aids, and interactive lessons, students will gain a solid understanding of these operations and their applications in real-world situations.

B. Duration

  • 4 weeks

C. Unit Goals

By the end of this unit, students will be able to:

  • Understand basic multiplication and division concepts.

  • Use arrays and equal groups to model and solve multiplication and division problems.

  • Relate multiplication and division as inverse operations.

II. Learning Objectives

A. Aligned with Standards



Identify and apply the concept of multiplication as repeated addition.


Interpret products of whole numbers using visual tools.


Understand the relationship between multiplication and division.


B. Key Vocabulary

  • Multiplication

  • Division

  • Array

  • Repeated Addition

  • Equal Groups

III. Instructional Strategies and Activities

A. Weekly Breakdown




Week 1

Introduction to Multiplication

  • Using arrays to understand multiplication

  • Hands-on activities with counters

  • Interactive notebook entries

Week 2

Relating Multiplication to Division

  • Group division problems

  • Creating division stories

  • Visual aids and drawings

Week 3

Multiplication and Division Fact Families

  • Exploration of fact families

  • Matching games

  • Interactive quizzes

Week 4

Review and Assessment

  • Cumulative review sessions

  • Practice tests

  • Games and interactive activities

B. Differentiated Instruction

To meet the diverse needs of learners, the following strategies will be employed:

  • Visual Learners: Use of diagrams and drawings.

  • Auditory Learners: Group discussions and verbal explanations.

  • Kinesthetic Learners: Hands-on activities and manipulatives.

IV. Assessment Methods

A. Formative Assessments

  • Exit Tickets

  • Observation Checklists

  • Daily Warm-ups

B. Summative Assessments

  • Unit Test

  • Project: Create a Multiplication and Division Storybook

  • Performance Tasks

V. Resources and Materials

A. Required Resources

  1. Textbooks:

    • "Math Adventures: Exploring Multiplication and Division" by MathWorks

  2. Workbooks and Practice Sheets:

    • "Multiplication and Division Practice Workbook Grade 3" by MathGenius Publications

  3. Interactive Whiteboard:

    • SmartBoard SBX885

  4. Counters and Manipulatives:

    • Base-10 blocks

    • Colorful counters

    • Geometric shapes

B. Online Resources

  1. [Your Company Website]: Access additional worksheets, interactive activities, and video tutorials tailored to reinforce concepts covered in class.

  2. Educational Platforms:

    • Khan Academy: Provides video lessons and interactive exercises on multiplication and division concepts.

    • IXL Math: Offers personalized practice problems aligned with grade-level standards.

    • Prodigy: Engaging math games that adapt to each student's skill level, reinforcing multiplication and division skills in a fun way.

VI. Parent and Community Involvement

A. Communication

Regular updates will be shared with parents through:

  • Email newsletters

  • Scheduled parent-teacher meetings

  • School website updates

B. Community Resources

Incorporate community resources by:

  • Inviting guest speakers

  • Organizing math fairs and events

  • Collaborating with local libraries

VII. Reflection and Evaluation

A. Teacher Reflection

After the completion of the unit, the teacher will reflect on:

  • What worked well and what didn't

  • Student engagement and understanding

  • Adjustments for future lessons

B. Student Feedback

Collect student feedback through:

  • Post-unit surveys

  • One-on-one conferences

  • Suggestion box

VIII. Conclusion

In conclusion, this unit has laid a strong foundation for students in multiplication and division. By employing diverse teaching methods and resources, we've fostered meaningful learning experiences. Moving forward, let's continue to reflect, collaborate, and inspire a love for math in our students. Thank you to all involved for your support and dedication.

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