Free Co Parenting Plan Template



Free Co Parenting Plan Template

Co Parenting Plan

Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]

I. Introduction:

This Co Parenting Plan outlines the custody and visitation arrangements between Jane Smith and John Doe for their child(ren) [Child's Name(s)]. The purpose of this plan is to provide a structured framework for both parents to maintain a healthy and consistent relationship with their child(ren) while considering their best interests.

II. Custody Arrangement:

a. Legal Custody:

Both parents shall share joint legal custody, meaning they will jointly make major decisions regarding the child(ren)'s education, healthcare, religion, and general welfare.

b. Physical Custody:

Jane Smith and John Doe shall share physical custody of the child(ren) on a

Rotation Schedule:

  • Week 1: The child(ren) shall reside with Jane Smith from Sunday at 6:00 PM until Sunday at 6:00 PM the following week.

  • Week 2: The child(ren) shall reside with John Doe from Sunday at 6:00 PM until Sunday at 6:00 PM the following week.

  • This rotation schedule shall continue in alternating weeks unless otherwise agreed upon by both parents.

III. Visitation Schedule:

a. Regular Visitation Schedule:

Weekday Visitation:

  • Jane Smith shall have custody every Monday and Wednesday from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM.

  • John Doe shall have custody every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM.

Weekend Visitation:

  • Jane Smith shall have custody from Friday at 5:00 PM until Sunday at 5:00 PM on alternating weekends.

  • John Doe shall have custody from Friday at 5:00 PM until Sunday at 5:00 PM on alternating weekends.

b. Holiday and Special Occasions:

  • Thanksgiving: The child(ren) shall spend Thanksgiving Day with Jane Smith in odd-numbered years and with John Doe in even-numbered years. The holiday weekend shall be split equally, with each parent having custody for half of the weekend.

  • Christmas: The child(ren) shall alternate spending Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with each parent on an annual basis, with the schedule alternating each year.

  • Birthdays: Each parent shall have the child(ren) on their respective birthdays from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM, unless it falls on a weekday, in which case the visitation shall occur from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM.

  • Mother's Day and Father's Day: The child(ren) shall spend Mother's Day with Jane Smith and Father's Day with John Doe each year, unless it falls on the other parent's custody weekend, in which case the visitation shall be adjusted accordingly.

IV. Transportation:

a. Both parents shall be responsible for transporting the child(ren) to and from scheduled visitations in a safe and timely manner.

b. Any changes or delays in transportation arrangements must be communicated promptly between the parents.

V. Communication:

a. Both parents shall maintain open and respectful communication regarding any changes or issues related to the visitation schedule.

b. Communication methods may include phone calls, text messages, email, or a designated communication app.

VI. Modifications to the Schedule:

a. Any proposed modifications to the custody or visitation schedule must be discussed and agreed upon by both parents in advance.

b. If a modification is necessary due to unforeseen circumstances, both parents shall make reasonable efforts to accommodate each other's schedules.

VII. Dispute Resolution:

In the event of a disagreement regarding the custody or visitation schedule, both parents shall first attempt to resolve the issue through mediation. If mediation is unsuccessful, either parent may seek legal intervention through the appropriate channels.

VIII. Parental Conduct:

Both parents agree to conduct themselves in a manner that promotes the child(ren)'s well-being and respects the other parent's role in their lives. Neither parent shall speak negatively about the other parent in the presence of the child(ren) or attempt to undermine the other parent's relationship with them.

IX. Signatures:

Both parents acknowledge that they have read and understood the terms of this Co Parenting Plan and agree to abide by its provisions.

[Parent 1's Signature]

[Parent 1's Printed Name]


[Parent 2's Signature]

[Parent 2's Printed Name]


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