Free Family Law Parenting Plan Template



Free Family Law Parenting Plan Template

Family Law Parenting Plan

Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]

I. Introduction:

This Parenting Plan is designed to provide a structured schedule and decision-making process to minimize conflicts between [PARENT 1] and [PARENT 2], hereinafter referred to as "the parents," regarding the care and upbringing of their children, Emily Smith and Jacob Smith. The goal is to ensure the well-being, stability, and continuity of the children's relationships with both parents.

II. Custody Arrangements:

Legal Custody

The parents shall share joint legal custody of the children. This means both parents will have equal decision-making authority regarding major aspects of the children's lives, including education, healthcare, and religious upbringing.

Physical Custody

The physical custody of the children shall be as follows:

  • [PARENT 1] shall have physical custody from Monday at 8:00 AM to Thursday at 8:00 AM.

  • [PARENT 2] shall have physical custody from Thursday at 8:00 AM to Monday at 8:00 AM.

III. Visitation Schedule:

Regular Visitation


  • [PARENT 1] will have the children on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.

  • [PARENT 2] will have the children on Thursday and Friday.


The parents will alternate weekends, with Jane Doe having the children on the first and third weekends of the month and John Smith on the second and fourth weekends.

Holidays and Special Occasions

The holiday schedule will take precedence over the regular visitation schedule.

  • [PARENT 1] will have the children on New Year's Day, Easter, and Thanksgiving.

  • [PARENT 2] will have the children on Memorial Day, Fourth of July, and Christmas.

  • [PARENT 1] will have the children on Memorial Day, Fourth of July, and Christmas.

  • [PARENT 2] will have the children on New Year's Day, Easter, and Thanksgiving.


Each parent is entitled to two weeks of vacation time with the children each year. The parent planning the vacation must notify the other parent at least 30 days in advance and provide a detailed itinerary if traveling.

IV. Decision-Making Authority:


Both parents will jointly decide on major educational decisions, including the choice of school, special educational needs, and participation in extracurricular activities.


Both parents will jointly make decisions regarding the children's medical, dental, and psychological care. In case of an emergency, the parent with the children at the time will make the immediate decision and inform the other parent as soon as possible.

Religious Upbringing

The children will be raised in the Christian faith, with both parents participating in the religious upbringing and activities as agreed.

V. Communication Protocols:

Between Parents

The parents agree to communicate respectfully and constructively regarding all matters concerning the children. They will use email and a shared online calendar for regular updates and information sharing.

With the Children

Both parents will ensure the children have reasonable phone and video contact with the other parent during their custodial time.

VI. Financial Responsibilities:

Child Support

Child support payments will be made by [PARENT 2] to [PARENT 1] as per the court order dated January 1, 2050, in the amount of $1,500 per month.

Additional Expenses

The parents will equally share expenses for the children's extracurricular activities, educational needs, and medical costs not covered by insurance.

VII. Dispute Resolution:

Any disputes regarding the parenting plan will be resolved through mediation before seeking court intervention. The mediator will be Atty. Patricia Allen, or another mutually agreed-upon mediator.

VIII. Special Considerations:


In the event of a medical emergency, the parent with the children will inform the other parent immediately after ensuring the children's safety.

Travel Arrangements

The parents will provide each other with travel itineraries, including flight information and contact details when traveling with the children.

Introduction of New Partners

The parents agree to introduce new partners to the children gradually and respectfully, ensuring the children's emotional well-being is prioritized.

IX. Signatures:

[Parent 1 Name]


[Parent 2 Name]


[Attorney Name]


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