Data Science Student Resume

Data Science Student Resume

I. Contact Information




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Date of Birth




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II. Objective

A results-driven and detail-oriented Data Science student seeking internship opportunities to apply expertise in data analysis, machine learning, and statistical modeling. Eager to contribute to innovative tech companies, research institutions, and dynamic industries, leveraging a solid academic foundation, practical experience, and a passion for problem-solving. Thrives in collaborative environments where I can translate complex data into actionable insights and drive data-driven decisions.

III. Education

Bachelor of Science in Data Science
Institute of Data Analytics – Class of 2054
GPA: 89.90
Relevant coursework: Advanced Statistics, Machine Learning, Data Visualization

IV. Technical Skills

  • Programming Languages: Proficient in Python for data manipulation, analysis, and machine learning tasks. Experienced in R for statistical analysis and data visualization. Skilled in SQL for database management and querying.

  • Data Analysis: Experienced in using Pandas and NumPy for data manipulation and analysis. Proficient in Scikit-Learn for machine learning tasks such as classification, regression, and clustering.

  • Data Visualization: Skilled in creating visualizations using Matplotlib and Seaborn for exploratory data analysis and presentation-ready graphics. Familiar with Tableau for interactive data visualization.

  • Machine Learning: Experienced in building and evaluating machine learning models using TensorFlow and Keras. Proficient in implementing various algorithms such as linear regression, decision trees, and neural networks.

  • Tools & Platforms: Experienced in using Jupyter Notebook for interactive data analysis and model development. Proficient in version control using Git. Familiar with cloud computing platforms such as AWS for deploying and scaling machine learning models.

V. Projects

  1. Customer Churn Prediction | 2050

    • Description: Developed a predictive model to identify customers at risk of churn using Python and Scikit-Learn. Implemented logistic regression and random forest algorithms to achieve an accuracy improvement of 15%. Collaborated with a team of 3 members to gather and preprocess data from multiple sources.

  2. Image Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks | 2051

    • Description: Led a project team to build a convolutional neural network (CNN) for image classification using TensorFlow and Keras. Trained the model on a dataset of 10,000 images achieving an accuracy of 90%. Presented project findings to stakeholders highlighting the model's performance and potential applications.

VI. Professional Experience

Data Analyst Intern at FutureTech Solutions | June 1, 2053 – August 31, 2053

  • Analyzed customer data using Python and Pandas to identify trends and insights. Collaborated with the marketing team to develop targeted campaigns resulting in a 20% increase in customer engagement. Presented findings to senior management through visually appealing dashboards created using Tableau.

VII. Certifications

  • Machine Learning Certificate – Coursera

  • AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate

VIII. Extracurricular Activities

  • Treasurer of Data Science Club: Managed club finances and organized guest speaker events, workshops, and hackathons.

  • Volunteer Data Analyst at Local Non-Profit: Analyzed donation data to identify donor patterns and support fundraising strategies.

IX. References

Available upon request.

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