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Architecture Payment Statement

Architecture Payment Statement

General Information:

Client Name:

Contact Details:

Invoice Date:

Project Name:

Project Address:

Project Start Date:

Project Completion Date:

Payment Details:

Invoice Number

Date Issued


Amount Due

Amount Paid

Balance Due


[Month Day, Year]

Initial Design Consultation




Total Amount Due: $1,500.00
Total Amount Paid: $1000.00
Total Balance Due: $500.00

Payment Terms: Payments are due within 30 days from the date of the invoice. A late fee of 2% per month will be applied to overdue balances. Please make checks payable to [Your Company Name] or transfer funds to the following bank account:

Bank Details:

  • Bank Name: [Bank Name]

  • Account Number: [Bank Account Number]

For any questions regarding this payment statement, please contact our accounting department at [Your Company Number] or [Your Company Email].

Thank you for your prompt payment.

Prepared By:

[Your Name]

Accounting Department

[Your Company Name]

Architecture Templates @