High School Student Resume For Internship

High School Student Resume For Internship

I. Contact Information




[Your Address]

Date of Birth

June 1, 2050

II. Objective

Highly motivated high school student with a passion for computer science and technology, seeking an internship opportunity to gain hands-on experience and deepen my understanding of software engineering. Eager to contribute innovative ideas and enthusiasm to a dynamic team while furthering academic and personal growth.

III. Education

[Your High School Name]
Expected Graduation: 2070
GPA: 8.9
Class Rank: Rank 5

Relevant Coursework:

  • Advanced Placement (AP) Computer Science: Developed proficiency in Java programming language and software development principles.

  • Honors Biology: Explored biological concepts through laboratory experiments and research projects.

  • Introduction to Business and Entrepreneurship: Acquired foundational knowledge in business management, marketing, and entrepreneurship.

IV. Skills

Technical Skills:

  • Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint): Utilized for creating presentations, reports, and spreadsheets.

  • Basic knowledge of HTML and CSS, gained through self-directed learning and personal projects: Created and styled web pages to demonstrate understanding of front-end development.

Soft Skills

  • Strong communication skills developed through participating in debate club and presenting projects in class: Articulate in expressing ideas and persuading others.

  • Demonstrated ability to work collaboratively in team settings as captain of the school soccer team: Led team to victory through effective communication and teamwork.

  • Excellent time management and organization skills honed through balancing academic responsibilities with extracurricular activities: Managed multiple tasks efficiently and met deadlines consistently.

V. Extracurricular Activities

  • Robotics Club, President, 2 years: Led team to regional competition victory, showcasing problem-solving and leadership abilities. Organized weekly meetings and coordinated robot design and programming.

  • Science Olympiad, Team Member, 3 years: Collaborated with peers to solve complex scientific problems, fostering teamwork and critical thinking skills. Competed in regional and state-level competitions, earning multiple medals.

VI. Volunteer Experience

  • Local Animal Shelter, Volunteer, Summers of 2068 and 2069: Assisted with animal care and adoption events, demonstrating compassion and responsibility. Organized donation drives and fundraisers to support shelter operations.

  • Community Food Bank, Volunteer, Winter Break 2065: Packaged and distributed food to families in need, contributing to community welfare and empathy. Assisted in organizing food drives and raising awareness about hunger issues in the community.

VII. Honors and Awards

  • National Honor Society, Member, 2068-present: Recognized for academic excellence, leadership, and service to the community. Participated in various service projects and volunteered at school events.

  • AP Scholar with Distinction, 2067: Awarded for high achievement on multiple Advanced Placement exams. Demonstrated strong academic performance and dedication to rigorous coursework.

VIII. References

Available upon request.

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